info Overview
Name - What is this universe's name?

Pandora's Grave

Description - How would you describe Pandora's Grave?

The death of a dead god's saint. (The life of a hero.)

Genre - What genre best describes Pandora's Grave?

High fantasy

date_range History
gavel Systems
book Works
Ideas for Further Works

Seeds of the Pomegranate
• Stories through time.

Charon's Maw
• The resolution of Stoneheart, and the journey of Kore.

Proserpine's Dirge
• The King of Hell and Kore the Scorpion.

edit Notes
Inspiration - What were your major sources of inspiration for Pandora's Grave?

Classic RPG games, especially the Final Fantasy series.

This universe contains...
2 locations reorder
terrain Locations close
terrain Great Beyond Where mortal souls go after their tenure of life.
terrain Sanctuary of Cloud

13 items reorder
emoji_events Items close
emoji_events Poisoner's Kit A poisoner's kit includes the vials, chemicals, and other equipment necessary for the creation of poisons. Those proficient with this kit are more able to craft or use poisons.
emoji_events Herbalism Kit This kit contains a variety of instruments such as clippers, mortar and pestle, and pouches and vials used by herbalists to create remedies and potions. Those proficient with this kit are better ab...
emoji_events Doctor's Tools A flat-bottomed black or brown leather bag with a metal-frame closing mouth. Those proficient with this kit are better able to stabilize a dying creature or diagnose an illness.
emoji_events Feather Charm of Shell A small charm made of beetle shells. It seems to change color from green, blue, and purple.
emoji_events Feather Charm of Bone A small charm made of bone. It's been dipped in ink and shines with blues, purples, and reds.
emoji_events Spear of Sorrows A spear of dark metal.
emoji_events Cape of Nine Lives A lovely black cape with mauve lining, pompom fasteners, and a hood with feline ears.
emoji_events Dynamic Atlas A magical tome of maps that is seemingly filled with every map of the world. The maps change position in the book based on last place visited.
emoji_events Navigator's Tools This set of instruments is used for navigation at sea and sky. Those proficient with navigator's tools can chart a ship's course and follow navigation charts.
emoji_events Pilot's Logbook Record of a pilot's flight hours. It contains every flight made including flight time, number of ports, and instrument approaches made. Also contained is a pilot's certification.
emoji_events Flight Goggles
emoji_events Thieves' Tools This set of tools includes a small file, a set of lock picks, a small mirror mounted on a metal handle, a set of narrow-bladed scissors, and a pair of pliers. Those proficient with these tools are ...
emoji_events Chopsticks

1 building reorder
business Buildings close
business Dark Saint's Family Home The place where once [[Character-1099179]] grew up, so did [[Character-1097743]].

1 continent reorder
explore Continents close
explore Cresctia Floating 500 feet above sea level, a semi-mountainous jungle island home to three villages and a temple.

11 creatures reorder
pets Creatures close
pets Jelly Bug Insects that carry sweet & spicy flavors, they also produce a tangy syrup.
pets Rug Mites Mites that live in sleeping rugs and feed off shed skin.
pets Wolpertinger A hare with antlers, fangs, and wings
pets Scorpion
pets Spider
pets Phoenix
pets Dragon
pets Peryton A stag with wings and the hind legs of a bird.
pets Reialoke A cross between a hare and a tiger, plus venom sacs. Kept domestically for food and transport. Their venom is also usable.
pets Shutaji It's basically a pumapard
pets Granny Beetle A beetle with a shiny multi-color shell.

8 deities reorder
ac_unit Deities close
ac_unit Shuli The God who created the world, or is the world itself.
ac_unit Varis He Who Walks the Islands
ac_unit Oreia She Who Loves Humanity
ac_unit Sola The Sun god, who is reborn every 100 years.
ac_unit Anansi Trickster storyteller
ac_unit Vashti The second of the three Sister-Queens, who rules over Wealth.
ac_unit Hadassah The third of the three Sister-Queens, who rules over Peace.
ac_unit Salome The first of the three Sister-Queens, who rules over Wisdom.

1 group reorder
wc Groups close
wc Watchers of the New Dawn A cult of descendants of the [[Race-48384]] who desire better treatment and consider a return of War for that end. The cultists are called the Devout and view those with a greater degree of inherit...

6 jobs reorder
work Jobs close
work Priest Priests teach their people about holy things, perform or oversee various ceremonies, and are responsible for the upkeep and defense of their temple.
work Dark Saint One chosen by [[Deity-19282]] to carry out her will.
work Paladin A Paladin is dedicated to the defense of that which is holy, including artifacts, locations, and persons (particularly [[Job-4893]]s). They are usually bound to arcane things, which often end up as...
work Saint One chosen by a deity to carry out their will in some way.
work Dancer
work Acolyte Acolytes assist [[Job-4892]]s with their duties, even including performing certain ceremonies.

4 landmarks reorder
location_on Landmarks close
location_on Great Tree A massive tree said to have grown from the spilled blood of a slain holy woman. "Her leaves spill verdantly from ink-dark branches, and she shelters the village with her boughs. Is she happier n...
location_on Old Temple An ancient temple dedicated to [[Deity-19282]]. The massive structure was carved into the side of a mountain and has fallen into great disrepair, but remains an immensely beautiful place filled ...
location_on Evaly Bazaar A small neighborhood bazaar.
location_on Cliff-Face of Oreia

4 lores reorder
book Lores close
book Legend of God's Lover An accounting of [[Character-1097745]]'s time on [[Planet-6007]].
book Granny Beetle Wise elders become [[Creature-29824]]s after death.
book Careful of the Tide A warning to beware the planet's riptides.
book Fallen City of Ankh A city-island that fell from the Median to the heart of [[Planet-6007]] thousands of years ago.

1 magic reorder
flash_on Magics close
flash_on Sister's Prayer "A small one once prayed for her little brother to get well... "She cried as he woke, but only the smile was left on her face."

1 planet reorder
public Planets close
public Shuli'va An ancient world composed of a vast, deep ocean and islands that float at varying depths (below, at, and above "sea level").

8 races reorder
face Races close
face Angel Tall winged creatures renowned for their cold beauty.
face Valkyrie A warrior species common to the mid- and upper-level islands
face Essik The descendants of an ancient race that were once involved in an Incident that led directly to war.
face Selkin merpeople
face God in Mortal Skin
face False God
face Aspanir The second or later generation of [[Race-46549]]s in [[Planet-6007]], they are now capable of magic. (And we though fire was bad enough...)
face Human Just a regular human. (Really.)

2 religions reorder
brightness_7 Religions close
brightness_7 Vash'dona Those who exclusively worship [[Deity-19280]].
brightness_7 Triana The equal worship of the three "main gods" of Pandora.

4 traditions reorder
today Traditions close
today Menil Tattoo A tattoo representing the passage from childhood to adulthood. This is the first tattoo a child receives.
today Libation The pouring of alcohol into a flat dish in memory of one who is dead.
today Journey Dirge Sung during the process of one's funeral, it narrates the journey of their life and circumstances of death, finishing with well-wishes for their time in the [[Location-240729]].
today Veska Tattoo A tattoo representing one's craft.

2 timelines reorder
timeline Timelines close
timeline Pandora's Grave 12 years from Stoneheart to the end of Cha-mi's journey.
timeline Register of Births & Deaths

Deity chevron_right Weight link mentioned Pandora's Grave

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