info Overview
Name - What is Dori'li named?


forum Info
History - What is the history of Dori'li?

First spoken by the Aspanir, one of the oldest languages.

speaker_notes Phonology
list Grammar

Possessive nouns go before the object.
• Ex: {Shuli'va} means {Shuli's womb}

Possessive determiners follow the object.
• Ex: {dori'na} means {my child}

Quantifiers before determiners.
• Ex: {vash'malana} means {our many streams}

Adjectives follow the noun.
• Ex: {vash'ti} means {one bathhouse}


In written dori'li, the only characters to be 'capitalized' are those belonging to a specific entity, such as a name. Titles are not capitalized.


○ [first character of first sentence goes inside of the circle]
• [break in a sentence]
|| [end of a sentence]
/// [full stop]

○ the mother Shuli holds us dearly • cradled within her || careful of her sweeping tides • lest she call you home early • where she holds us in her heart again ///

book Vocabulary: Basic Conversation
Greetings - How do people speaking Dori'li greet each other?

• Sio (hi)
• Sio solah (lit: sunlight's kiss)

Yes words - How do people speaking Dori'li say yes?

• Du (positive indicator)

No words - How do people speaking Dori'li say no?

• Na (negative indicator)

book Vocabulary: Family

• Maman (Amah of an Amah)
• Maban (grandparent, may be used to mark paternal lineage in records)


• Amah (life-giver, one who birthed)
• Abah (parent, may be used to mark paternal lineage in records)


• Ovan (older sibling)


• Dori'na [our child, my child]

book Vocabulary: Household

• Va [womb, cradle]

book Vocabulary: People

• Dori [child]


• Vash [a washing area comparable to a bathroom or bathhouse, also a word for flowing water]

book Vocabulary: Anatomy
Body parts - What are the words for each body part in Dori'li?

• Loke (claw, nail)

Reproductive parts

• Va [womb, cradle]

book Vocabulary: Rainbow
Day and Night

• Reia (night)

settings_input_component Entities
Numbers - What are the words for each number in Dori'li?

• Ti [1]

Quantifiers - What words are there for quantifiers (a few, many, some, etc) in Dori'li?

• Tin [some, few]
• Mala [many]

Determiners - What words are there for determiners (the, my, this, etc) in Dori'li?

• Na (our, mine)
• Tan (their, your)
[It's common for someone to use Na over Tan when they are close in community.]

edit Notes

'li means word

Dori'li appears in the following documents
Character chevron_right Languages spoken link linked Dori'li

Character chevron_right Background link mentioned Dori'li

Race chevron_right Associated languages link linked Dori'li

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