info Overview
Name - What is Captain Rose’s full name?

Captain Rose

Role - What is Captain Rose’s role in your story?


Other names - What other aliases does Captain Rose go by?

• Luci (given name)
• Malay Rose (full name)

Gender - What is Captain Rose’s gender?


face Looks
Hair Color - What color is Captain Rose’s hair?

Dark crimson

Hair Style - How does Captain Rose style their hair?

• Long, straight
• Forehead and top of hair covered by silk veils and bandanas

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Captain Rose have?


Eye Color - What is Captain Rose’s eye color?


Race - What is Captain Rose’s race?

• Human (disguise, false)
• Essik (true)

Linked Races

Skin Tone


Body Type


Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Captain Rose have?

• Prosthetic left hand

• Black compass rose tattoo on left biceps
• Sprawling tattoo on back (symbol of her people, the cult's brand on her)

fingerprint Nature
Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Captain Rose have?

She gets restless and fidgety when she's inside or on land for too long.

Motivations - What motivates Captain Rose most?

Freedom. She wants to be free to explore the world without restraint.

Flaws - What flaws does Captain Rose have?

• Will fight to the death if she hears an ill word spoken of her ship or crew.
• Keeps secrets even from those closest to her.

Talents - What talents does Captain Rose have?

• Acrobatics (Proficient, DEX). She's good at staying on her feet, in battle and during the storm.
• Animal Handling (Proficient, WIS). She fondly remembers working with the animals at the enclave.
• Arcana (Proficient, INT). The more lore you can remember on these ships, the better off you are.
• Deception (Expert, CHA). As a runaway ex-cultist, she is well-versed in covering her trail. She's excellent at false physical cues so as to disguise her next move in battle.
• History (Proficient, INT). As a child in the enclave, she learned the histories of many places and events.
• Perception (Proficient, WIS). Her time as a skyman has given her keen senses and observation skills.
• Performance (Proficient, CHA). Her fights are an eyecatching delight.
• Persuasion (Proficient, CHA). As a captain she's learned how to speak with clientele.
• Religion (Proficient, INT). She grew up in a cult.
• Sleight of Hand (Expert, DEX). She learned this skill by necessity as a young runaway, and later incorporated it into her fighting style.

• Proficient with Navigator's Tools.
• Proficient with Vehicles (Air).
• Expert with playing cards. She was taught to play cards at the enclave, and knowing her way around a deck has saved her life more than once.
• Proficient with Combat Cards.
• Proficient with Thieves' Tools from her life as a runaway.

• Proficient with Light Armor.
• Proficient with Simple Weapons (quarterstaff), Finesse Weapons (combat cards), and shortswords.

Personality type - What personality type is Captain Rose?

• She'll take care of those she sees as hers: her crew, friends, and ship.
• She is always afraid that the cult will find and take her away again, that this time they will mold her successfully.
• She's curious of her birth race, but wary and hesitant as a result of the cult's beliefs.


• Demiromantic
• Homosexual



• Missing her left hand (later)

colorize Martial
Primary weapons

Combat cards

Secondary weapons


groups Social

Reliable for mercantile transport.

Occupation - What is Captain Rose’s occupation?

Aeronautical Sailor

Job - What job does Captain Rose have?

Captain aboard the Starseeker.

date_range History
Birthday - When is Captain Rose’s birthday?

Winter Solstice

Background - What is Captain Rose’s background?

Her egg was laid several hundred years before being hatched by the Watchers of the New Dawn. The ritual used to force her hatching makes her Aberrant.
She was raised to natively speak Essikla and also learned Yueyu due to it's high presence in the enclave.
She was trained as a monk but did not progress very far before she discovered the numerous plans involving her. Feeling betrayed by Mysteriarch Diana, she ran away.

Soon after she joined a mercenary company.

As a skyman she frequently traveled to and about locations that spoke Dori'li and picked it up. She prefers it over her native one.

device_hub Family

Family notes

Mysteriarch Diana raised her from hatchling until she ran away. She still loves the Mysteriarch, although she can't forgive her.

shopping_basket Inventory
Inventory notes

Dynamic Atlas. They have an understanding with each other.
Navigator's Tools, the tools of her trade.
• A Pilot's Logbook, dated since -4 SH. The leather wrap is soft with age.
Flight Goggles, a band of red secures them to her head.
• A chest with two cases for maps and scrolls, a set of fine clothes, a bottle of ink, an ink pen, a lamp, 2 flasks of oil, 5 sheets of paper, a vial of perfume, sealing wax, and soap.

• This Book of Heretical Truths was her primer, long ago. She can't seem to leave it behind.
• 5 sticks of incense, for prayer.
• A sacrificial dagger.

• A deck of 52 playing cards.
• A wooden quarterstaff, polished from use.
• Leather armor.

• A set of traveler's clothes (pilot)
• A set of common clothes. (cult)
• Robes of occult significance.

sports_mma Wardrobe

Sky captain

Common outfit

• Fingerless leather gloves
• Linen shirt and a long gilet
• Trousers secured just below the knee

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edit Notes
Captain Rose appears in the following documents
Vehicle chevron_right Description link mentioned Captain Rose

Item chevron_right Current Owners link linked Captain Rose

Group chevron_right Former members link linked Captain Rose

Group chevron_right Members notes link mentioned Captain Rose

Vehicle chevron_right Jobs link mentioned Captain Rose

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