info Overview
Name - What is Stonesleep's name?


Type of condition - What kind of condition is Stonesleep?

Status effect

bubble_chart Causes
Genetic factors - What genetic factors affect how contractable or effective Stonesleep is?

There are no genetic factors apparent, as all who contract Stoneheart eventually fall into this condition.

Environmental factors - What environmental factors affect how contractable or effective Stonesleep is?

This is the direct result of contracting Stoneheart.

local_hospital Effects
Mental effects - How does Stonesleep affect the mind?

Adults appear largely unaffected even by long periods of this state. They may exhibit disassociation, spells of confusion, or partial amnesia of past events.

Children (especially infants) often seem 'strange' having awoken from this condition. They are often described as having otherworldly qualities and an unsettling aura. They may know things they should not be able to know. (That no one could possibly know.)

Symptoms - What are the symptoms of Stonesleep?

In this state, victims neither need nor consume nutrition, water, or air. They do not burn or even noticeably age.

Duration - How long does Stonesleep last?

This condition lasts until the victim is cured of Stoneheart.

Prognosis - How deadly is Stonesleep? What is the most likely outcome for those who contract it?

This condition is not terminal.

healing Treatment
Prevention - How do people keep from contracting Stonesleep?

Victims of Stoneheart may delay this condition by reducing physical, mental, and emotional strain as much as possible. Good health may also help in delaying this condition.

Immunization - What immunizations are available for Stonesleep?

There is no immunization possible.

bar_chart Analysis
date_range History
edit Notes
Condition chevron_right Mental effects link mentioned Stonesleep

Condition chevron_right Symptoms link mentioned Stonesleep

Condition chevron_right Duration link mentioned Stonesleep

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