info Overview
Name - What is Astras’s full name?


Type - What type of location is Astras?


Description - Describe Astras.

A very diverse country with elves, dragons, faeries, goblins, and many other creatures.

face Culture
Language - What languages are spoken in Astras?

Dragon, elven, goblin, faery

Currency - What currencies are used in Astras?

Gold, silver, bronze, copper, and nickel coins with the Starfall crest on one side, and the profile of a queen on the other. Gold coins have Queen Nebula, Silver have Queen Crescent, Bronze have Queen Stella, Copper have Queen Callisto, and Nickel have whichever queen is queen at the moment, it currently being Queen Galaxy.

Motto - What is Astras’s motto?

Sit sidus vester semper luceat

Patron God/Goddess

They have a whole pantheon of gods.

group Residents

map Geography
Located at - Where is Astras located?

Astras is an island west of the main continent. It’s not exactly in a tropical location. It’s separated from most of the other Henaterrian islands.

date_range History
Notable Wars - What notable wars has Astras been involved in?

War of the Pointed Stones: Conflict in the Earth element. Part of the group, the ones who are better with controlling stones than plants, wanted to split away and form their own element. The rebels won, and therefore a new element was created: Element of Stone.

edit Notes
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This location was created by Amelia on

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