account_circle Overview
Name - What is Clara Shadowsun’s full name?

Clara Shadowsun

Other names - What other aliases does Clara Shadowsun go by?

LightGlow of Havensky

Gender - What is Clara Shadowsun’s gender?


Age - How old is Clara Shadowsun?

2,280 (38)



face Looks


Eye Color - What is Clara Shadowsun’s eye color?

Blue with flecks of green.

Scale Color


Secondary Scale Color


Third scale color

lime green

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Clara Shadowsun have?

Marks like black lightning pretty much everywhere on her body.

local_mall Outfits
fingerprint Nature
Talents - What talents does Clara Shadowsun have?

Singing, painting

Hobbies - What hobbies does Clara Shadowsun have?

Likes to sing and paint. Adores spending time with her fiance and will go star gazing with her a lot.

Flaws - What flaws does Clara Shadowsun have?

Kind of skittish, and it takes a while for her to trust you. Overly protective of her loved ones.

groups Social
Favorite color - What is Clara Shadowsun’s favorite color?


Favorite food - What is Clara Shadowsun’s favorite food?

Loves her sister's chocolate chip cookies.

Favorite possession - What is Clara Shadowsun’s favorite possession?

Her amulet

device_hub Family
Boy/girl/date friend

Pets - What pets does Clara Shadowsun have?

Her fiance has a small fish tank in their house.

account_balance Culture
bubble_chart Abilites
date_range History
Education - What is Clara Shadowsun’s level of education?

Tutored in the castle.

Background - What is Clara Shadowsun’s background?

Clara grew up as LightGlow, and was the princess and heir of Havensky. She was very good friends with her younger sister. However, when her parents announced that BrightShine would be the heir instead, LightGlow became bitter and cruel. She burned Havensky to the ground and became corrupted by shadow magic. Only recently has she become more of her old self and has been brought back to Astras by Breeze and Sky.

shopping_basket Inventory
edit Notes
Clara Shadowsun appears in the following documents
Location chevron_right Residents link linked Clara Shadowsun

Character chevron_right Siblings link linked Clara Shadowsun

Character chevron_right Children link linked Clara Shadowsun

Character chevron_right Boy/girl/date friend link linked Clara Shadowsun

Character chevron_right Enemies link linked Clara Shadowsun

This character was created by Amelia on

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