account_circle Overview
Name - What is Hawthorne Shadowvine ’s full name?

Hawthorne Shadowvine

Other names - What other aliases does Hawthorne Shadowvine go by?




Gender - What is Hawthorne Shadowvine ’s gender?


Age - How old is Hawthorne Shadowvine ?




face Looks


Hair Color - What color is Hawthorne Shadowvine ’s hair?


Hair Style - How does Hawthorne Shadowvine style their hair?


Skin Tone


Eye Color - What is Hawthorne Shadowvine ’s eye color?


Scale Color

Dark green

Secondary Scale Color

Magenta and Red

Third scale color


Tattoos or Scars

A tattoo of three blossoming flowers on his neck, representing his wife and daughters.

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Hawthorne Shadowvine have?

Sharp black lines with small dark green leaves scattered around them around his eyes.

local_mall Outfits
fingerprint Nature
General Personality Traits

Kind, a bit reckless, humourous, loyal, hard working.

Resting Face

Looks like he's brooding, or like he's planning a murder.

Talents - What talents does Hawthorne Shadowvine have?

Very strong earth magic. Also very good at mixing colors and things like that, and is a talented painter because of that.

Hobbies - What hobbies does Hawthorne Shadowvine have?

Painting, gardening

Flaws - What flaws does Hawthorne Shadowvine have?

Sometimes works a little too hard. Over achieves. Wants the best for his family, but sometimes forgets to ask what they want.


A light scowl, but his eyes are darting around. Attempts to appear more intimidating.


He leans forward a little bit, his eyes wide. He often starts sentences over again, talking fast.


His tail moves back and forth over the ground, and he stands tall, making himself look bigger. He bares his teeth, his words mixed with a growl. His eye ridges furrow.


He stands tall, a small smile, almost like a smirk on his face. His expression is relaxed.


He lashes out at everyone. It's very similar to his angry state, but everything is very droopy. He adverts his eyes, often looking at the ground.

How They Act Among Friends

Very expressive. Lots of wing and tail gestures when he talks. A smile often adorns his face, and he opens up quite a bit more. His laugh is very deep, and when he finds something funny it's hard for him to stop.

How They Act Among Strangers

Polite yet firm. Answers questions minimally, and only speaking when nessacery. Never laughs, only gives a small smile if he finds something funny.

groups Social
Formal Title

Hawthorne Shadowvine of Celestium.

Job - What job does Hawthorne Shadowvine have?


Favorite color - What is Hawthorne Shadowvine ’s favorite color?

Dark blue

Favorite food - What is Hawthorne Shadowvine ’s favorite food?


Favorite possession - What is Hawthorne Shadowvine ’s favorite possession?

A vase he found at a store in Cytisus.

Favorite animal - What is Hawthorne Shadowvine ’s favorite animal?


Favorite Place


What They Are In the Friend Group

The Dare Devil

account_balance Culture
Patron God/Goddess

Ilana, the Goddess of Earth

Languages Spoken

Astrian, Draconian, Goblinese

bubble_chart Abilites


date_range History
Education - What is Hawthorne Shadowvine ’s level of education?

Celestial Academy

Background - What is Hawthorne Shadowvine ’s background?

Grew up with his mother, father, and siblings in Treetop Village. He often visited Cytisus and Celestium with his father on the weekends and went to school at Celestial Academy during the week. His father taught him a love for nature and plants, which got him interested in a job as a florist. He met his wife while visiting Cytisus when he was younger. They became fast friends, and it eventually developed into something more.

shopping_basket Inventory
edit Notes
Character chevron_right Fathers link linked Hawthorne Shadowvine

Location chevron_right Residents link linked Hawthorne Shadowvine

Character chevron_right Siblings link linked Hawthorne Shadowvine

Character chevron_right Spouses link linked Hawthorne Shadowvine

Character chevron_right Children link linked Hawthorne Shadowvine

Character chevron_right Friends link linked Hawthorne Shadowvine

Character chevron_right Cousins link linked Hawthorne Shadowvine

This character was created by Amelia on

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