account_circle Overview
Name - What is Lympha Seabringer’s full name?

Lympha Seabringer

Other names - What other aliases does Lympha Seabringer go by?


Gender - What is Lympha Seabringer’s gender?


Age - How old is Lympha Seabringer?




face Looks


Eye Color - What is Lympha Seabringer’s eye color?


Scale Color

Light Azure

Secondary Scale Color


Third scale color

golden-yellow/dark blue

What They Normally Wear

Smooth dark blue gem on a gold chain around her neck. Similar anklet on her right back leg.

local_mall Outfits
fingerprint Nature
Talents - What talents does Lympha Seabringer have?

Very intelligent and strategic. Master at being able to carry everything in one trip.

Hobbies - What hobbies does Lympha Seabringer have?

Chess. Freakishly good at it. Likes to garden as well.

Flaws - What flaws does Lympha Seabringer have?

Can be quick to judge. Doesn't pay attention sometimes, and is a little too good at following orders.

groups Social
Favorite color - What is Lympha Seabringer’s favorite color?

Dark green

Favorite food - What is Lympha Seabringer’s favorite food?

Salmon and crab. Also really likes kale chips.

Favorite possession - What is Lympha Seabringer’s favorite possession?

She has ten gold rings, one for each talon that she adores.

Favorite animal - What is Lympha Seabringer’s favorite animal?

Tropical Fish

device_hub Family
account_balance Culture
bubble_chart Abilites
date_range History
Education - What is Lympha Seabringer’s level of education?

Was taught by her mother who worked in the palace. Does know how to write, but doesn't do it very well. Better at reading.

Background - What is Lympha Seabringer’s background?

Grew up in the palace. Her father was never around, and she lived with her mother and sister in their small apartment in the servant's quarters. Her sister was always bossing her around.

shopping_basket Inventory
edit Notes
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This character was created by Amelia on

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