account_circle Overview
Name - What is Crystal Thunderfall’s full name?

Crystal Thunderfall

Other names - What other aliases does Crystal Thunderfall go by?

Crys, Crystal


She can grow and control crystals.

Gender - What is Crystal Thunderfall’s gender?


Age - How old is Crystal Thunderfall?

1,080 (18)



face Looks


Eye Color - What is Crystal Thunderfall’s eye color?

Light azure

Scale Color

Dark blue

Secondary Scale Color

Light aqua

Third scale color


Tattoos or Scars

The very tip of her right horn is broken off. It's super subtle, you often don't notice it. She has Opal and Bolt's names tattooed on there inside of her left front ankle in swirling letters with tiny diamonds around them. Her parents and brothers names are on her right front ankle.

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Crystal Thunderfall have?

Crystal’s tail ends in pink gems, which she also has on her head. She has a collection of diamonds on her arms, and on the connecting part of her wings. She had swirling magenta lines and gold dots around her eyes,

What They Normally Wear

Gold bangles on her arms, and a gold tail band with a chunk of rose quartz in it, with a necklace to match.

local_mall Outfits
fingerprint Nature
General Personality Traits

Shy, kind, motherly, fierce, stubborn.

Resting Face

Her mouth curves into a placid smile, her eyes normally looking down at something in front of her. Her resting face is very neutral and emotionless.

Talents - What talents does Crystal Thunderfall have?

Singing, drawing, jewelry making, cooking, very strong magic.

Hobbies - What hobbies does Crystal Thunderfall have?

Jewelry making, drawing

Flaws - What flaws does Crystal Thunderfall have?

Rather shy and soft-spoken. Doesn't really want to get involved, but will if she had to. Sometimes impossibly stubborn.


She normally stands behind someone else, her wings twitching open and closed. She clams up and almost refuses to talk unless she absolutely has to. Her eyes dart around, studying every little nook and cranny, looking everywhere except what's making her nervous. Her tail curls into her, almost wrapping around one of her ankles. She moves slowly, careful not to make any sudden movements.


The crystals on her glow like crazy. Her face has an eager expression on it, her eyes wide and bright. She moves quickly, her talons incredibly graceful. She often loses track of what she was saying and has to start over again, causing conversations to take twice as long.


Snarling, eye ridges furrowed, wide stance, head held high. Don't mess with Crystal when she's angry. Her gems also glow like crazy, but it's more ominous, with a slightly reddish hue to it. Small gems and crystals start to pop out of the ground. Her talons dig into the earth, almost as if they're trying to stop herself from attacking whatever she's angry at.


Her steps are bouncy, almost as if she's floating. Her smile is wide and bright, but her voice is still very soft.


Basically becomes a puddle. Wings droop, crystals seem dull. She doesn't cry much, surprisingly, but she wants to be alone most of the time. Her eyes are cast down, staring at nothing, like she's lost in thought.

How They Act Among Friends

Happy and bright. Talks and jokes a lot, often inside jokes. Can even be a little sarcastic if it's with Sky and Galaxy.

How They Act Among Strangers

Stands behind one of her friends if they're there. Nods politely when she needs too. Quick, fleeting smiles if she finds something funny.

groups Social
Formal Title

Crysatl Thunderfall of Amethyst Manor.

Job - What job does Crystal Thunderfall have?


Favorite color - What is Crystal Thunderfall’s favorite color?

Magenta, or really dark purple

Favorite food - What is Crystal Thunderfall’s favorite food?


Favorite possession - What is Crystal Thunderfall’s favorite possession?

Her wedding ring

Favorite animal - What is Crystal Thunderfall’s favorite animal?


Favorite Place

Moon Crystal Cave

What They Are In the Friend Group

The Shy Among Strangers, Completely Different Among Friends.

account_balance Culture
Patron God/Goddess

She worships Farynia, the patron goddess of the Elves.

Languages Spoken

Astrian, Draconian, and Elvish. She grew up speaking Elvish and Astrian, and only learn Draconian after she started upper school, so she isn't very good at it.


If a branch on a tree in your yard or near your house breaks, the amount of pieces it breaks into decides your future. 1piece, you will live a happy and prosperous life, where most things will be good. 2 pieces, your life will end well, but start off badly. 3 pieces, your life will end badly, but start off wonderful. After that, the more pieces it breaks into, the worse your life will be.

Holidays Celebrated

Eclipse Festival, Festival of the Seasons, and Farynia's Creation.

bubble_chart Abilites

She can grow and control crystals.

Other Powers

She can see the future in her dreams, and sometimes has prophecies.

Skills They're Particularly Good At

Making jewelry and using her powers. Can also make the best cherry pie.

date_range History
Education - What is Crystal Thunderfall’s level of education?

Celestial Academy

Background - What is Crystal Thunderfall’s background?

She was rescued by Riptide Stormbringer when she was a dragonet and was raised by him. Grew up in the Astronomy Hall, and went to Celestial Academy once old enough. Was befriended by Sky and Galaxy almost immediately, and the trio became inseparable ever since.

Childhood Happiness Level


Tragedy That Shaped Them

Never knowing who her parents were.

shopping_basket Inventory
edit Notes
Crystal Thunderfall appears in the following documents
Character chevron_right Mothers link linked Crystal Thunderfall

Location chevron_right Residents link linked Crystal Thunderfall

Character chevron_right Siblings link linked Crystal Thunderfall

Character chevron_right Spouses link linked Crystal Thunderfall

Character chevron_right Children link linked Crystal Thunderfall

Character chevron_right Best friends link linked Crystal Thunderfall

Character chevron_right Friends link linked Crystal Thunderfall

Location chevron_right Leaders link linked Crystal Thunderfall

Item chevron_right Current Owners link linked Crystal Thunderfall

Character chevron_right Cousins link linked Crystal Thunderfall

This character was created by Amelia on

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