account_circle Overview
Name - What is Azuria Oceancaller ’s full name?

Azuria Oceancaller

Other names - What other aliases does Azuria Oceancaller go by?




Gender - What is Azuria Oceancaller ’s gender?


Age - How old is Azuria Oceancaller ?




face Looks


Hair Color - What color is Azuria Oceancaller ’s hair?


Hair Style - How does Azuria Oceancaller style their hair?

Most of her hair is down, but part of it is drawn into a small braid on the back of her head. Her hair is very wavy and almost seems to float around her head.

Skin Tone


Eye Color - What is Azuria Oceancaller ’s eye color?

Crystal blue

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Azuria Oceancaller have?

3 sky blue dots along the side of her left eye.

local_mall Outfits

Light aqua halter top with blue and navy bubble-like spots on them. There are some small silver dots scattered around. A dark blue sash with small sky-blue tassels on the end. A pin with the water symbol holds the sash in place. Her dress end with a diagonally cut skirt with a bottom edge that looks kind of like waves. The dress fades into white on the bottom. She wears silver sandals that wrap up her calves.


A dark blue dress that reaches her ankles. There's a silver sash around her waist, held up with a pin that looks like cascading raindrops made out of aquamarine gems. The dress is sleeveless, but there are silver cuffs on her wrists that have a few small raindrop-shaped aquamarines set in them. There's an amulet around her neck with yet another raindrop-shaped aquamarine resting just below the hollow of her throat. Her hair is pulled up into a braided bun, with a few loose strands in her face.

Party With Friends

Sky blue dress that reaches just above her knees. The skirt flares out a bit and is longer in the back than it is in the front. The bottom of the dress is a slightly darker blue. Silver wave patterns along the bottom edge and a silver sash with sky blue waves on the bottom around her waist mimic that. There's an armband on her upper arm with small dark blue gems set in it. Her hair is pulled back into a ponytail with a small silver seashell clip with another dark blue gem. A similar pin holds up her sash.


Her normal outfit, except she wears dark blue boots instead of sandals and a dark blue cloak around her shoulders.


Dark blue tunic and black pants. There's an arm guard over her left shoulder and armor on her forearms as well. There's a piece of armor on her thighs, and her shins are protected by tall, intricate silver boots. The bottom of her tunic has sky blue wave patterns on it. Her sash is traded for a silver belt, which is on her waist on the left side, but falls down to her hip at the right. There are 2 small knives sheathed on the right side. There is a bit of silver armor on her back of her hand, which are covered in black fingerless gloves. Her hair is pulled back into a low ponytail.


Loose dark blue pants and an aqua tunic with a v-neck collar.

fingerprint Nature
General Personality Traits

She’s very quiet, yet kind. Azuria is a very logical person, and is a little no-nonsense. She tries her best at everything she does.

Resting Face

Looks thoughtful, often focusing on one particular object in the room.

Hobbies - What hobbies does Azuria Oceancaller have?

Loves to grow flowers, and painting in pastel colors.

Flaws - What flaws does Azuria Oceancaller have?

She can often be too quiet and doesn’t voice her opinion. Sometimes she thinks that everything she does has to be perfect, even if she's only doing it for the first time.

groups Social
Favorite color - What is Azuria Oceancaller ’s favorite color?

Dark blue

Favorite possession - What is Azuria Oceancaller ’s favorite possession?

The blue amulet that was a gift from her father.

Favorite animal - What is Azuria Oceancaller ’s favorite animal?


Favorite Place

Her house. She prefers to be alone, or with Jade.

What They Are In the Friend Group

The Perfectionist.

device_hub Family
account_balance Culture
Patron God/Goddess


Languages Spoken

Astrian, Elvish, Sign Language


Spirit Guides are an omen of death, and thunderstorms on the night of a full moon mean that destruction is on the way.

bubble_chart Abilites


Skills They're Particularly Good At

Great at painting, and at map making. Has an amazing singing voice.

date_range History
Education - What is Azuria Oceancaller ’s level of education?

Apprenticed to a cartographer when she was 16.

Background - What is Azuria Oceancaller ’s background?

Grew up with her parents and 2 sisters in Aecon, the city of water. Was apprenticed to a cartographer when she 16, and excelled at her craft. When she was 21, she decided to leave Aecon and build a life for herself on the surface. Years passes, and when she was 621, she met Sky Windblossom and Crystal Nameless, who asked her to go on a journey with them. Azuria agreed, and while on that journey, she met Jade Sunslayer. While the 2 of them disagreed at first, they eventually became close and fell in love. Azuria currently lives with Jade near Treetop Village in Viridis Forest.

Childhood Happiness Level


shopping_basket Inventory
edit Notes
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Character chevron_right Friends link linked Azuria Oceancaller

Location chevron_right Residents link linked Azuria Oceancaller

Character chevron_right Spouses link linked Azuria Oceancaller

This character was created by Amelia on

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