account_circle Overview
Name - What is Jade Sunslayer’s full name?

Jade Sunslayer

Other names - What other aliases does Jade Sunslayer go by?

Jade, The Gold Assassin



Gender - What is Jade Sunslayer’s gender?


Age - How old is Jade Sunslayer?




face Looks


Hair Color - What color is Jade Sunslayer’s hair?

Jet black

Hair Style - How does Jade Sunslayer style their hair?

Down, one bang looks like it's about to fall into her face at any moment. Hair comes down to mid-back.

Skin Tone

Dark brown

Eye Color - What is Jade Sunslayer’s eye color?

Bright blue

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Jade Sunslayer have?

White dots under and around her eyes. Sun tattoo on her upper left arm with a sword and a spear crossed over it.

local_mall Outfits

Green crop top without sleeves. The top is held up by a thick gold band that goes around her neck. Thin, flowy green pants that are cuffed at the bottom with gold. A gold belt around her waist, and a gold arm band on her upper arm. Light brown satchel across her body, with a gold spear strapped to the back of the strap.


Gold pants similar to the ones in her regular outfit, except that there's a skirt on the sides and along the back. The top is also similar to the one she wears above, except it has thin sleeves, and is in gold. There's an intricate gold necklace set with emeralds set in it and 2 similar cuffs on her wrists. There's an emerald green sash around her waist, courtesy of Azuria.

fingerprint Nature
Talents - What talents does Jade Sunslayer have?

Very fast and agile. Knows many different survival skills, and is also a good singer. Extremely loyal to her friends and girl friend.

Hobbies - What hobbies does Jade Sunslayer have?

Likes to explore the woods and cities she's never been too. It's all fascinating to her.

Flaws - What flaws does Jade Sunslayer have?

Can make rash or reckless decisions. Doesn't always think things through, and is quick to anger.

groups Social
Favorite color - What is Jade Sunslayer’s favorite color?

Dark blue.

Favorite food - What is Jade Sunslayer’s favorite food?


Favorite possession - What is Jade Sunslayer’s favorite possession?

Her armband.

Favorite animal - What is Jade Sunslayer’s favorite animal?


device_hub Family
account_balance Culture
Patron God/Goddess


Languages Spoken

Astrian, Elvish, Draconian, Goblinese

bubble_chart Abilites


date_range History
shopping_basket Inventory
Items On Them At All Times

Her spear, her sword, flask of some form of alcohol.

edit Notes
Jade Sunslayer appears in the following documents
Character chevron_right Friends link linked Jade Sunslayer

Location chevron_right Residents link linked Jade Sunslayer

Character chevron_right Spouses link linked Jade Sunslayer

This character was created by Amelia on

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