info Overview
Name - What is The Scarred Wasteland’s full name?

The Scarred Wasteland

Description - Describe The Scarred Wasteland.

"Like a wound in the center of the world, the Scarred Wasteland continues a campaign of destruction that began in an age where the Plaguebringer only had one enemy: her sister the Gladekeeper. Rot and runaway viruses pulse through the landscape, infecting the terrain as it spreads ever outward in a sick spiral of death and decay." - Official FR Description

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edit Notes
Character chevron_right Birthplace link linked The Scarred Wasteland

Character chevron_right Current Place of Living link linked The Scarred Wasteland

Character chevron_right Motivations link mentioned The Scarred Wasteland

Creature chevron_right Habitats link linked The Scarred Wasteland

Character chevron_right Hobbies link mentioned The Scarred Wasteland

Character chevron_right Description link mentioned The Scarred Wasteland

Character chevron_right Background (Shortened) link mentioned The Scarred Wasteland

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