info Overview
Name - What is Malovat’s full name?


Gender - What is Malovat’s gender?


Age - How old is Malovat?

27 years old (Dragon equivalent)

Description - Describe Malovat.

A member of the Gatherers, Defenders and also the Sanctuary's sole medic at the moment. Members of the Sanctuary have mixed opinions about Malovat. Some members adore him as he often greets newcomers and makes sure dragons get used to living in the Wastelands. On the other hand though, Plaguelings dislike him for his allegiance with the Light flight.

Malovat tends to be gentle, soft spoken, and finds it hard to stand up for himself, especially against Plague dragons.

Despite his gentleness, he plays fulfills a healing and damage role in Wowzers and Delphian's 'outings.'

Motivations - What motivates Malovat most?

Malovat at one point believed the misconceptions about the Plague flight, but after being captured by Beastclans and rescued by the Sanctuary, he has learned to turn a new leaf. His goal is to make new members of the Sanctuary feel safe as well as provide aid for the injured.

face Looks
fingerprint Nature
Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Malovat have?

Malovat is quite well mannered. He speaks politely and thus expects to be treated as such, although he is quite tolerant when such isn't true.

Although he primarily deals with physical injuries, he does not mind being consulted for personal advice. He feels empathy for everyone in the Sanctuary, even if they outright disrespect him. He recognizes his role and importance in the clan, and acts as such.

Currently, Mira is under the apprenticeship of Malovat and he takes great care to teach her. While he also doesn't expect it of her, Malovat also appreciates the extra work she puts into her studies alongside the occasional gifts he is given.

Prejudices - What prejudices does Malovat have?

Malovat previously believed the most common misconceptions about Plague dragons. He once believed that all Plague dragons are brutish, uncivilized and could not be reasoned with. He clearly does not believe this now, but those thoughts do come back when things in the clan get heated.

flash_on Abilities

Medicine & Dragon Anatomy: As great as healing magic is, it shouldn't be used for everything. Malovat is well-versed in dragon anatomy, as well as cures for common ailments.


Healing & Protecting Magic: In combat, Malovat makes use of regeneration and warding spells to aid others.

date_range History
device_hub Family
shopping_basket Inventory
edit Notes

  • At the end of the day, he just wants everyone to be OK

  • Generally conflict avoidant, finds it hard to make necessary decisions if it means hurting someone

  • Wants everyone to know he is someone they can come to for help

  • Tries to be 'gently honest', doesn't believe anything good comes out of lying to people

  • Becomes much feistier when something/someone puts down someone who is in need

Character chevron_right Friends link linked Malovat

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Character chevron_right Mannerisms link mentioned Malovat

Character chevron_right Prejudices link mentioned Malovat

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