info Overview
Name - What is Wynne’s full name?


Gender - What is Wynne’s gender?


Age - How old is Wynne?

22-23 years old (Dragon equivalent)

Description - Describe Wynne.

Wynne was introduced to the Sanctuary as an ambassador after the aftermath of the First Seed's growth. While he was initially brought in to quell disputes between Nature and Plague, it has also been decided for him to stay in order to help with the Sanctuary's diplomatic needs.

face Looks
fingerprint Nature
Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Wynne have?

As he was trained to be an ambassador, Wynne displays a high amount of emotional maturity for a young-ish dragon. He is perceptive of nuances in peoples' personalty and can somewhat adapt to different kinds of people.

As a Nature dragon in a Plague landscape, he understands that not everyone will trust him — that is not his goal. At the very least, when it comes to diplomatic disputes, he wants people to be able to see what the other side can offer.

Wynne tries to make decisions that benefit everyone, but decisions like those are rare to come by. When it comes to these things, he tends to think about the path not taken, or what things could've been changed in the past to creature a desirable future.

Outside of his work as a diplomat, Wynne likes to see what his fellow clanmates are up to, and in particular likes to go on errands with them. It helps him understand who he's working with, he says.

New Personality Skeleton
* From a young age, it's been hammered into him that he's kind of a big deal, so he often acts more reserved
* Displays a high amount of emotional maturity for a young-ish dragon
* Quite good at diplomatic disputes, not so great at physical ones
* Tries to make the best decision for everyone
* Interested in what his clanmates are up to and wants to hang out when he can

Hobbies - What hobbies does Wynne have?

Wynne enjoys growing plants, wood carving, and hunting. There isn't much plant variety in The Scarred Wasteland, so Wynne has stuck with the latter two hobbies, hunting especially.

Motivations - What motivates Wynne most?

Wynne is motivated by his opportunity to unite people within the Sanctuary, as well as taming his personal fears.

Flaws - What flaws does Wynne have?

In trying to find ways to please everyone, Wynne is clouded by self-doubt, which in turn affects his decision making. This can cause him to go soft in times where a hard hand is needed.

Prejudices - What prejudices does Wynne have?

Even though Wynne's goal/purpose is to make native Plague dragons of the Sanctuary see the other way about Nature dragons, this isn't to say Wynne doesn't have some of his own prejudices.

Before coming to the Sanctuary, Wynne was hesitant, fearing what kind of dragons the members of the Sanctuary would be -- because while he didn't believe all Plague dragons were barbarians or savages, he couldn't help but think that idea had a lot of truth behind it.

flash_on Abilities
date_range History
Birthday - When is Wynne’s birthday?

January 13th

groups Social
Favorite weapon - What is Wynne’s favorite weapon?

Bow & Arrow

Job - What job does Wynne have?

Gatherer (Hunter), Diplomat

device_hub Family
shopping_basket Inventory
edit Notes
Character chevron_right Enemies link linked Wynne

Character chevron_right Grandchildren link linked Wynne

Location chevron_right Inhabitants link linked Wynne

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