info Overview
Name - What is Gallah’s full name?


Other Names - What other aliases does Gallah go by?

Leader Gallah

Gender - What is Gallah’s gender?


Age - How old is Gallah?

60-70 years old (Dragon equivalent)

Description - Describe Gallah.

Gallah, more commonly known as Leader Gallah, is the current leader of the clan known as The Galries.

face Looks
fingerprint Nature
Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Gallah have?

* When Gallah is disinterested, it tends to show
* Puts up a nice face but can be quite cold
* Mysterious in the sense that, while she's seen out-and-about, the Galrie people don't know much about her (aside from close friends and family, of course)
* While she still cares about the Galries, Gallah's old age has had her gravitate to smaller interests. Right now she likes growing tiny plants.

flash_on Abilities
date_range History
groups Social
device_hub Family
shopping_basket Inventory
edit Notes
Character chevron_right Grandparents link linked Gallah

Location chevron_right Leaders link linked Gallah

Location chevron_right Inhabitants link linked Gallah

This character was created by Pepyogurt on

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