info Overview
Name - What is Xenojas Clan Grounds’s full name?

Xenojas Clan Grounds

Other Names

Former Rivajas Clan Grounds

Description - Describe Xenojas Clan Grounds.

The Xenojas clan grounds occupy what was formerly known as the Rivajas clan grounds. Many of the structures from the era of the Rivajas still stand, seemingly having integrated themselves into the land at this point. Alongside these old structures stand the new structures built by the Xenojas, which differ somewhat in terms of build-style.

As far as the Xenojas are concerned, they don't know that the Rivajas existed.

face Culture
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date_range History
edit Notes

  • Xenojas is pronounced 'Zee-no-has'

Character chevron_right Birthplace link linked Xenojas Clan Grounds

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