info Overview
Name - What is Hastae Regem Corren ap Arran ’s full name?

Hastae Regem Corren ap Arran

Age - How old is Hastae Regem Corren ap Arran ?

18 (beginning)

Gender - What is Hastae Regem Corren ap Arran ’s gender?

Sex: Male
Pronouns: he/him (your/majesty lol)

Other names - What other aliases does Hastae Regem Corren ap Arran go by?

Current: Corren, Ren, Pike, Prince Corren, Hastae Regem

Paladin of Krigg, Arch King, Arch Paladin, Son of War, Quinn's bitch (not an affectionate name obviously), Corren gwr Quintus (Means: Corren husband of Quintus)

Arcus Regem Corren ap Arran means:
Arch King Corren, son of Arran
(roughly translates to. It is a mix of Latin and Welsh)

(Lots of latin words mean the same thing)

Role - What is Hastae Regem Corren ap Arran ’s role in your story?

Rebel Leader

face Looks
Eye Color - What is Hastae Regem Corren ap Arran ’s eye color?

Pike has a dark brown eyes color, there are literal flecks of gold in his eyes which his People take a sign that his right to ruin is divine. His mother and father (having ancient Welsh ancestors) have green eyes. Pike's eyes can sometimes look green in certain lighting.

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Hastae Regem Corren ap Arran have?

None, he does not like scruff on himself and has no desire to grow a beard

Hair Style - How does Hastae Regem Corren ap Arran style their hair?

Shaved. His hair is currently very short and buzzed because of his "Ascension" ceremony

(described in Right of Massage)

Before and after the ceremony Pike has his hair about to his shoulders which he almost always wears pulled back in a half up half down style. Quintus, his eventual husband, likes to put clips in his hair to keep it out of his way.

Hair Color - What color is Hastae Regem Corren ap Arran ’s hair?

Pike's hair is dark brown, almost black like his father's was. It tends to lighten up in the summer but does not stay that way for long. Those summer highlights tend to be in the front of his hair.

Height - How tall is Hastae Regem Corren ap Arran ?

Pike is a remarkable height, reaching 6'9 to 6'10 when standing up straight.

Identifying Marks and other Identifying Features

Scar one his cheek: childhood accident

Ceremonial Tattoos: these were done along his shoulders, upper back, and hips. These are to symbolize his status as Arch King.

Ritual Scarification: These are done during his Ascension Ceremony and are a sort of test of endurance. These scar are just under his upper back tattoos.

Hand Tattoos: The hand tattoos are not distinct to him, they distinguish him as a part of Clan Serkan (Krig worshippers). Every person living on the planet has tattoos to identify them to their Clan.

Throat Tattoo: This tattoo is also distinct to a Clan but ONLY Paladins have these tattoos.

He also was a small scar on his temple from where the Chron (see Ascension) was placed.

Weight - How much does Hastae Regem Corren ap Arran weigh?

235 lbs

Skin Tone

Pike's skin tone is a light tan. His skin does not get very pale in the winter but he does tend to get darker in the spring and summer seasons

Race - What is Hastae Regem Corren ap Arran ’s race?

Enhanced Human

Genetically, Welsh and Greek mostly, though they do not know what those words mean anymore.

Description of Race

Enhanced Humans are people who have gone through surgical and or neurological modifications. People who are of a lower class know about these modifications but think of them as something divine rather than surgical, this is partly because the lower class cannot usually afford these procedures.
(yay capitalism!)

The people who go through the modifications can change their bodies in almost any way they want.

In general, people from Terra have a range of skin types. It is highly common for the people of Terra to have skin ranging from extremely dark to tans to pales. Examples being like that of Native Americans, Greeks, Aboriginals, Africans, Asians, Pacific Islanders, and Europeans of today.

Blond hair used to be common during a period of evolutional change, this change happened when an ice age took over but once it started to warm up blond hair practically disappeared along with red hair. The most common hair colors are now variations of brown, rust, and black. Because of the scarcity of Blond and red anyone born with it is held in very high regard. Most eye colors, however, stuck around. Some new colors have emerged as well such as eyes that are split (heterochromia in which an eye is half one color and half another. This is now more common) and a color that is like hazel but with red undertones.

The average height for a Terran male is about 6'5 and the height range for a female Terran is anywhere from 5'10 to 6'3. It is not known why Terran women are shorter but it could be because men took on much more protective roles during the ice age period and needed to be better adapted. That being said, Terran women have a higher bone density as a means of protection.

Typically Clothing Worn

Formal: In this context, formal wear would be worn to things like Court meetings, Tournaments, and important events. This outfit is always changing based on what the Royal Dresser decides to create but Pike's favorite garments are a white military type jacket with gold buttons up to his throat. Its chest is decorated with golden designs like swirls and leaves on the front by the buttons and on the cuffs. He has red and gold shoulder epaulets, His pants are usually either a shade of gray or just black with black boots. Because his Clan is influenced by the ancient Roman society he wears a small toga wrap that goes around his shoulder and chest and down under his arm. It does not flow, merely covers his chest somewhat. His toga is a deep red color and the capes he often wears changes sometimes.

Casual: when dressing causal Pike will typically wear a wrap tunic that ties and shows some of his sides if they are like a tank top. These wrap tunics are typically wide strapped tank tops due to Terran's usually warm climate. He would wear these shirts with light breathable cotton pants tucked into boots and usually with a belt. In the winter these shirts graduate in what they call "Thermal Skins" which are tight-fitting long sleeves that regulate body temperature. They are high-tech but look like regular shirts that are usually worn with fur coats or capes and thick pants.

Training: Either a long sleeve that is tighter around the torso or a short sleeve. He wears moveable, loose, pants to be able to move around freely. He uses boots and arm/wrist wraps to keep his joints safe. Depending on what weapon he is training with his clothing may differ from this.

Other: He does not often wear crowns but when he does he favors one with charcoal gray leaf-like designs with VERY detailed little carvings. The crown has small rubies under each lead which points up.

Sleepwear: Nude because he can.

(More to add later)

fingerprint Nature
Prejudices - What prejudices does Hastae Regem Corren ap Arran have?

Pike does not understand the ways of those from the heavens (humans who travel to Terra from other planets). He wants nothing to do with them because they are not his People and many have tried to take over his planet. They have been to war with each other many times in the past.


Pike has insomnia caused by PTSD and has some anger issues, sometimes lashing out on accident.

His PTSD is mostly caused by the things he went through in the Ascension Ceremony, such as pain and some other things. Later on a good part of it is also caused by the war between Quinn's planet and his own.

(can't go into detail without spoiling the story)

Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Hastae Regem Corren ap Arran have?

Pike has a habit of staring off during long meetings even though he is still listening.

He looks under the bed at night before getting in, and he never takes a drink of something until someone else does first.

Pike is a careful person and a polite one too so he will ask people about their views and opinions.

He is a cuddle bug and if he is sharing a bed with someone he is always right up next to them even if they didn't fall asleep like that.

He doesn't like using the big spoon to eat and he doesn't like the feel of sand or dust on his hands. He would hate Quinn's planet.

Motivations - What motivates Hastae Regem Corren ap Arran most?

Peace and Love (sappy lol). Pike wants his people to live in peace, the Clans understand how vital it is to their survival sense the Outcasts (People from space) have come back to take their home.

(small spoiler lol)

Flaws - What flaws does Hastae Regem Corren ap Arran have?

Pike either cares too much or cares too little. He is passionate about everything he does and feels, even hating. He can be passive-aggressive too sometimes.

Pike, though a generally very nice person, can hold a serious grudge towards people who have wronged him or wronged others.

He can get pretty personal with his insults when someone is really making him mad, he did this once during a court session and it did not end well. If he is pushed to anger, and that isn't often, he can get ugly.

Pike can be forgetful about where he put things, what he was looking for when entering a room, etc. Usually, he forgets that not everyone is as strong as him.

Talents - What talents does Hastae Regem Corren ap Arran have?

Pike is very skilled in combat of all kinds but his specialties are hand to hand, using the Reaping Staff, archery, and using a lance.

Pike will not admit it in public, but he likes to sing. He sings for Quintus to help him fall asleep.

He is actually a very talented horseback rider.

Hobbies - What hobbies does Hastae Regem Corren ap Arran have?

Pike does not have many hobbies because of his time-consuming roles as Arch King and Arch Paladin but he does enjoy horseback riding and hunting when he can find the time and also likes to read old myths.

Personality type - What personality type is Hastae Regem Corren ap Arran ?

INFJ-T (The Advocate)

Pike is a very active and creative ruler and person. He has people's best interests at heart. He is an empathetic person, able to sense people's emotions very easily which comes in handy when you have a small army of Lords as your council.

Pike can be reserved even though he is in the spotlight all the time, he is an introverted person by nature and does not always enjoy loud parties like the ones often held at his home in the capital city. Pike can enjoy them from afar, often hovering at the edges of the excitement to observe.

Pike is a very focused person and he does almost all things with a purpose. His time is precious so he makes the most of it. He has strong visions of what he wants his and his people's futures to look like and works to achieve it.

Pike is also honor-bound, he has a high moral compass and tries not to stray from it as much as he can.

Pike, though an honorable person, is not above humiliating someone if they are being arrogant or wrong him. He is the Arch King and has the power to ruin a life and he knows it. He does not practice this right often, instead, he chooses the method of The Duel. One person challenges the other to single combat, the victory coming by yield or death. To yield is to be shamed but he has not had to kill anyone yet.
(Pike's husband Quinn finds this quite unpleasant and barbaric but the Terran people think of this as honorable and just)


Many. He fears losing control of himself in situations whether that be in Court, a battle, training, an argument, or something intimate.

Being close to people. Pike is an introvert but he still enjoys the company of others but this closeness scares him either way.

How they deal with:

Isolation or stressing out which are not very good methods for obvious reasons.

groups Social
Favorite food - What is Hastae Regem Corren ap Arran ’s favorite food?

Pike adores these little pastries called "Star Cakes". They are like croissants but fluffier and have honey on them with little sprinkles of sugar to make them sparkle like a star. Of course one must do some form of exercise after eating them

Favorite animal - What is Hastae Regem Corren ap Arran ’s favorite animal?

Pike likes cats, especially big types. His people are famous for their use of Sabers. These big cats were genetically altered though to be bigger than original ones.

Favorite weapon - What is Hastae Regem Corren ap Arran ’s favorite weapon?

The Reaping Staff. This weapon is like a sword and staff mixed together. The middle handle, or hilt, is about a foot and a half long. On the ends, the staff has two curved swords of silver or sometimes gold metal. The hilt can then be split and the staff becomes two separate swords. When used in Active Combat Mode, it has the ability to electrocute and also change its blade's shape.

Note: Pike's Universe does have technologically advanced weaponry but on Terra, they only use basic weapons during training but advanced weaponry during riots or real fights. (Arena battles, duels, war, etc)

Favorite possession - What is Hastae Regem Corren ap Arran ’s favorite possession?

His mother's locket. Inside is a holographic picture of him and his brother, Arwyn, playing in the water as children. This picture is later replaced with one of Quinn.

Favorite color - What is Hastae Regem Corren ap Arran ’s favorite color?

Navy blue

Occupation - What is Hastae Regem Corren ap Arran ’s occupation?

Arch King of Terra Minor and Arch Paladin.

Arch King is kind of self-explanatory but an Arch Paladin or Paladin, in general, will need some explaining.

A Paladin is the Lord, champion, and protector, of a Clan. This position is commonly passed down from father to son but the role of Paladin is ultimately won through single combat fought between candidates. IF need be the current Paladin of a Clan may directly choose their successor but the choice must be approved by all the other Paladins of the Clans. Paladins can be female.

Arch Paladin. To be an Arch Paladin means one must be in charge. There are 13 major Clans that make of the Council of Paladins. Any them can become Arch Paladin if they challenge the current Arch Paladin to a duel. This is a risky business if the challenger loses because it proves them and their Clan to be disloyal. The Arch Paladin position can be held by anyone but it is very common for the Arch Paladin to be the Arch King. This has been the tradition for centuries.

Politics - What politics does Hastae Regem Corren ap Arran have?

Democratic Monarchy. He is King but he is advised by other Paladins and Lords and Ladies of the Clans.

Religion - What religion does Hastae Regem Corren ap Arran practice?

Working on the name.

Job - What job does Hastae Regem Corren ap Arran have?

Warrior, Arch King, General, Arch Paladin, peacekeeper

Description of Religion

____ was the religion created during the ice age that resulted after Terra completely reverting back to its natural state, destroying most cities and areas. Though technology returned and became even more advanced, _____ still prevailed and it practices still.

There are 40 male deities and 38 female deities in _____ .

info History
Education - What is Hastae Regem Corren ap Arran ’s level of education?

Pike is on a different level of knowledge if you want to call it that. He would be considered a "genius" even if he can be a little bit of a muscle-head. Because of the Ascension ceremony, his mind no longer operates alone. He is heightened by the things that go on during the ceremony. As far as schooling goes, he was taught languages and mathematics, philosophy, and art at a young age. History, Strategy, and fighting came after all formal schooling which was in the morning.

Background - What is Hastae Regem Corren ap Arran ’s background?

Pike was born the first Son of Rhys and Naerra. He was taught by the best and brightest minds their planet had to offer and was trained by their best generals and warriors. He grew up modest and humble of the great legacy he was going to be handed one day. When Pike's father grew ill, Pike had to step in and rule with an advisor until he was old enough to go through the Ascension. He went through the Ascension at age 16. He was the youngest ever to go through it and survive. During his practice rule, Pike's brother Arwyn became jealous of his brother's power and the way the people loved him so much but barely cared about him. After the Ascension ceremony, Arwyn disappeared.

When Pike was 18, two years into his rule, Pike witnessed the falling of a star. After the star entered the atmosphere he realized it was a ship about to crash. He tracked the ship through the forest to its crash site. At first, he thought it was abandoned or the pilot had jumped because he couldn't find anyone. After a few more minutes of searching the ship, he found the pilot, Quintus Dracul.

(some inner plot holes I still need to write or might change, probably going to change how they met)

Birthday - When is Hastae Regem Corren ap Arran ’s birthday?

December 21,

(changed the date of birth, need to calculate)


Serkanian. Serkan is the name of Pike's Clan, it is currently the ruling Clan of the Terra Empire. This Clan is also called Clan Krig.

This Clan's culture is heavily structured around a high moral code. They value military accomplishments, are known for their passionate personalities, their major taboo is mental illness (sadly), and their most respected profession is anything to do with skilled work or military service.

The Clans economy is run by exporting military goods such as weapons and vehicles and importing and manufactured goods.

The average Serkanian family has about 3 children. Most of the clan is rural, about 64% with the other 36% being people who live in the capital of the Clan.

The Clan is located in a temperate region of Terra, there are a few mountain ranges. Most of their land is either forest or moors with rivers and canyons running through.

Right of Passage

The Ascension.

The Ascension is the right of passage every Arch King goes through. The ceremony begins with the King having their hair being shaved down to their scalp. Their body is then ritually scarred across their back and shoulders. The process takes hours and is incredibly painful, the participant is not allowed a break or pain medicine. The next part of Ascension is the implants. All inner circle families have modifications done but some modifications are reserved for royalty. The modifications make the participant's senses increase and their mind broadens. If the participant survives through all of the changes, they are given the Chron. The Chron is an implant containing all the memories and experiences of all the old Arch rulers. They cannot speak or give you direct answers but by accessing their memories they help future leaders govern the Empire. This neural link also acts as a lifeboat, it keeps the barers mind safe when communicating with their Patron God and the other Kings.

He also was a small scar on his temple from where the Chron was placed.

The last part of the ceremony is the participant must prove their loyalty to the Empire in some way.

device_hub Family
Pets - What pets does Hastae Regem Corren ap Arran have?

Two Sabers, Skara and Norel whom represent two deities of his religion

How they met their Spouse

Pike met Quintus after his ship crashed on Terra in Clan territory. He helped nurse Quintus back to health, Pike had been in self-imposed exile when he found Quinn. When Pike and Quintus returned to the capital he got Quintus a job in his court so they could still see each other.

The pair have a very close relationship and were rather lovey-dovey much to others embarrassment. Pike would rather run headfirst into battle then raise his voice at Quinn. Quinn is his everything, his muse, his love. Quintus could ask Pike for the moon and he would make it so. Everyone in the court who has been around Pike and Quinn knows that the most powerful person in the empire is not their Arch King but the man standing beside him holding his arm.

The two are currently in the process of having their first child. Because they are both males they are using an experimental route to have a baby. The process uses the DNA of them both, the DNA is then tricked into thinking one strand is female and the other is male. The female DNA, Quintus's, is then modified into an egg that Pike's DNA is used to fertilize. Their efforts pay off and about 11 months later and after other modifications were made, their son Achilles was born.


Pike has had a few other partners other than Quinn but none of them were serious because he wasn't allowed to have lasting relationships since he had to find an ideal partner to rule with him.

shopping_basket Inventory
history Changelog
edit Notes

Pike's culture is open about homosexuality, their people do not see it as wrong but as very sacred and even divine because their Clan's main deity, the war god Krig, had a male lover in legends.

Pike is pansexual.

In the legend of their god, Krig had a male lover; the god of dark magic, Svar.

The name Pike means "Point" or a type of long spear used against cavalry

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This character was created by Sophie on

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