info Overview
Name - What is Arwyn ap Rhys ’s full name?

Arwyn ap Rhys

Age - How old is Arwyn ap Rhys ?

16 (when he disappeared, before the beginning of the story)
20 (when he returns)

Gender - What is Arwyn ap Rhys ’s gender?


Other names - What other aliases does Arwyn ap Rhys go by?

Altum filius Arwyn ap Rhys (High Son Arwyn, son of Rhys)
Athro Arwyn ap Rhys (Teacher Arwyn, son of Rhys)

Role - What is Arwyn ap Rhys ’s role in your story?

The Psycho Brother

face Looks
Eye Color - What is Arwyn ap Rhys ’s eye color?

Chocolate and amber brown. His iris becomes that more honey amber color around his pupils and the darker brown is around the outside.

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Arwyn ap Rhys have?


Hair Style - How does Arwyn ap Rhys style their hair?

When Arwyn disappeared his hair was cut short and styled up to keep his hair in pristine shape. He very much enjoyed looking presentable back then.

When Arwyn returned his hair was longer, down to his shoulders at least, and it was rather unkempt. He didn't much care about his appearance after his exile. Even though by all standards this bastard man grew up to be very handsome. While his hair is long he likes to do little half up half down styles with it and put decorations in like beads, sharp little pieces of silver, or bone.

Hair Color - What color is Arwyn ap Rhys ’s hair?

Dark brown, like his brother's. His hair lightens up in the summer but doesn't stay like that. Later one he starts to dye his hair darker and he likes to keep it that way.

Height - How tall is Arwyn ap Rhys ?

6'0 when he disappeared
6'5 when he returned (6'5 is the average height of a Terran male)

Identifying Marks and other Identifying Features

Identifying Marks Before: None, what set him apart the most was his freckled face and skin.

Identifying Marks Later: Swooping scarification lines under his eyes, they look sort of like raised boomerangs with pointed ends.

Identifying Features Later: Arwyn lost his baby fat and toned up a lot in both his face and body, his facial features became sharper like his brother's.

Body Type

Lightly muscled but mostly skinny looking. This is part of what makes Arwyn a deceptive opponent, he looks tall and willowy but he is actually a very strong and skilled warrior, using agility and smaller weight to his advantage.

Arwyn is not a heavily muscled person but he does have enough to appear physically appealing.

Weight - How much does Arwyn ap Rhys weigh?

190 lbs.

Skin Tone

Lightly tanned

Race - What is Arwyn ap Rhys ’s race?

Enhanced Human

Welsh and Greek

Description of Race

Enhanced Humans are people who have gone through surgical or mental modifications. People who are of the lower class know about these modifications but do not understand that they are surgical procedures, not divine interaction.

The people who go through the modifications can change their bodies in almost any way they want.

In general, people from Terra today have a range of skin types. It is highly common for the people of Terra to have skin ranging from tans to pales like that of Native Americans, Greeks, Aboriginals, Africans, Asians, Islanders, and Europeans.

Blond hair used to be common during their period of evolutional change when the ice age took over again but once it started to warm up again blond hair practically disappeared along with red hair. The most common hair colors are now brown, rust, and black. Most eye colors, however, how stuck around. Some new colors have emerged as well such as eyes that are split (heterochromia in which an eye is half one color and half another) and a color that is like hazel but with red undertones.

The average height for a Terran male is about 6'5 and the average height for a female Terran is around 5'8 or 5'9.

Typically Clothing Worn






fingerprint Nature
Prejudices - What prejudices does Arwyn ap Rhys have?

He despises all high-borns and hates the social elite. He blames their customs for his exile and subsequent misery.

On the flip side, he thinks that the lower classes are barbaric and uneducated and sees himself as the savior of them and as their teacher to lead them into a new age. This is no different than the elite he hates.

groups Social
Favorite food - What is Arwyn ap Rhys ’s favorite food?

Nonspecified. While in exile he got used to eating whatever he could get his hands on whether that be from stealing or trapping.

Favorite animal - What is Arwyn ap Rhys ’s favorite animal?


Favorite color - What is Arwyn ap Rhys ’s favorite color?


Occupation - What is Arwyn ap Rhys ’s occupation?

Cult leader, Teacher, Shaman, General, very briefly Emperor

Religion - What religion does Arwyn ap Rhys practice?

Herraism (singular worship or Marw)

Job - What job does Arwyn ap Rhys have?

High Priest of the Church of Marw

Description of Religion

Though Herraism is a polytheistic religion by definition, Arwyn worships only one god; Marw. Marw is the God of Chaos

info History
device_hub Family
shopping_basket Inventory
history Changelog
edit Notes
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This character was created by Sophie on

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