info Overview
Name - What is Arcus Heres Atreus ap Pike ’s full name?

Arcus Heres Atreus ap Pike

Age - How old is Arcus Heres Atreus ap Pike ?

16 (beginning)

Gender - What is Arcus Heres Atreus ap Pike ’s gender?


Other names - What other aliases does Arcus Heres Atreus ap Pike go by?

Atreus, Atty, Prince Atreus, Son of the Sun, First Son of Pike, First Son of Quintus, Lion Boy

Arcus Heres Atreus ap Pike means: Arch Heir Atreus son of Pike

Role - What is Arcus Heres Atreus ap Pike ’s role in your story?

The Champion

face Looks
Eye Color - What is Arcus Heres Atreus ap Pike ’s eye color?

A shade of chocolate brown like one of his father's, Pike.

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Arcus Heres Atreus ap Pike have?


Hair Style - How does Arcus Heres Atreus ap Pike style their hair?

Short, curly. Atreu's hair isn't cut as short as Pike's but is not as long as Quinn's. His hair covers his ears and forehead most of the time but he trims it often. The longest he ever let it get has to the nape of his neck and he could pull it back.

Hair Color - What color is Arcus Heres Atreus ap Pike ’s hair?

Golden like Quinn's

Height - How tall is Arcus Heres Atreus ap Pike ?

Atreus is still a teenager and he's still growing but with both his parents being tall he is about 5'11 or 6'0 right now at age 16

Identifying Marks and other Identifying Features

Atreus has a few freckles here and there on his face and arms. He is not absolutely covered in them though as some people are. Atreus also has his Clan's tattoos on his hands, identifying him to Clan Sabaid Krig.

One day Atreus will have the scars and tattoos of an Arch King, and perhaps an Arch Paladin assuming he is able to secure the position.

Body Type

Thin but athletic. Being of a young age Atreus has not had a chance to really bulk up yet. His body type resembles that of Quintus more than Pike right now. He is deceivingly strong for someone without much mass. This is due to the genetic re-coding he received from Pike's genes.

(Because Pike has gone through modifications, those modifications are often genetic meaning any child of his receives the modifications as well)

Weight - How much does Arcus Heres Atreus ap Pike weigh?

178 lbs

Skin Tone

Light tan. Most of the year Atreus stays remarkably tan like Pike but when winter comes he tones down to more of Quintus's shade. This is odd considering he has blonde hair

Race - What is Arcus Heres Atreus ap Pike ’s race?

Enhanced Human

Description of Race

Enhanced Humans are people who have gone through surgical or mental modifications. People who are of the lower class now about these modifications but do not understand that they are surgical procedures, not divine interaction.

The people who go through the modifications can change their bodies in almost any way they want.

In general, people from Terra today have a range of skin types. Dark (black) skin is no longer common though because the new ice age destroyed their bloodlines and most of life in warm places like African and South America. It is highly common for people to have skin ranging from pale to tans like that of Native Americans, Greeks, and Aboriginals. Blond hair used to be common during their period of evolutional change but once it started to warm up again blond hair practically disappeared along with red hair. The most common hair colors are now brown, rust, and black. Most eye colors, however, how stuck around. Some new colors have emerged as well such as eyes that are split (heterochromia in which the eye is half one color and half another) and a color that is like hazel but with red undertones.

fingerprint Nature
Prejudices - What prejudices does Arcus Heres Atreus ap Pike have?

Over the years of his fathers' rule, a forgotten Clan has arisen called the Marw. They are quite literally savages. They do not speak a real language, it is more like grunts and animalistic sounds. They are cannibals, scavengers, and raiders who attack some of the rural villages in the north of Terra. Atreus hates these people with a passion since they killed one of his best friends and now does not believe they are deserving of his father's mercy


Atreus has slight ADHD, it affected him more as a child but with the advanced medicine available to him it does not affect him as much anymore. Mostly it made him a very wiggly child and made it hard to focus, he interrupted so many important meetings on accident that Quintus would take him out of the meetings to go play

Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Arcus Heres Atreus ap Pike have?

Atreus is a little gentleman. His papa, Quinn, would never allow any child of his to have bad manners. He opens doors for people and always says please and thank you.

Atreus is a playful soul, when he is feeling wild he will run around a lot and look for anyone to talk to

Because of his ADHD, he will often times have something to mess with in his hand, like a stress ball or a smooth rock.

When Atreus has to be serious he sits up straight with his shoulders back, he looks a perfect blend of his fathers because his facial features are that of his papa Quinn and his he talks all formal like his dada Pike.

He can be impulsive because of his ADHD and it makes it hard for him to focus for too long.

Motivations - What motivates Arcus Heres Atreus ap Pike most?

Keeping his family safe and making his fathers proud of him. Atreus isn't always the perfect son and he knows his parents love him regardless but he still wants to impress them and make them proud to call him their son

Flaws - What flaws does Arcus Heres Atreus ap Pike have?

Atreus sometimes gets emotional and that can cause him to either lash out or to shut down. When he gets like this it is best to let him be for a little while.

He is a very competitive person when it comes to simple competitions like racing and mock duels and tournaments. When it comes to serious things he is level headed.

Achilles can be a bit of dick when people are ticking him off. These people deserve his anger however. He once intentionally embarrassed a boy in his training class by betting his best friend Kira could beat him in a race. Kira, who was quick as a fox, beat the boy by 15 seconds. Achilles rubbed it in by saying, "I bet that's how long it takes you to finish," (He has a bit of a potty mouth/dirty mind)

The boy can be a little headstrong and rush into these, a lesson he is learning still.

Talents - What talents does Arcus Heres Atreus ap Pike have?

Atreus is a very good climber and is very quick and light on his feet.

Because of Atreus' training with his fathers, he is also a very good fighter at a young age. But because of his youthfulness, he can sometimes forget that he does not have as much experience as his parents. We all learn by making mistakes, he is no stranger to that.

Hobbies - What hobbies does Arcus Heres Atreus ap Pike have?

Exploring his homeland and also reading surprisingly enough. When Atreus was younger, Quinn would read him bedtime stories about Terra before the wars and also tales from Quinn's former home, Annulos Prime.

Since he was a child Atreus was always fascinated with mythology, the stars, any form of a higher power. He wishes to learn through reading and experience and hopes one day to travel the stars as his papa did.

Personality type - What personality type is Arcus Heres Atreus ap Pike ?

ENFJ-T (The Campaigner) Like Quinn

Atreus is a very cheery and vibrate soul. He is playful and very energetic, much to others' displeasure. Atreus, though very sweet, can be a bit of a pill sometimes.

He is an extreme extravert but he does enjoy doing things along like when he goes wandering through the woods near his family's summer home, or when he explores the capital where they live most of the time. He also enjoys reading in the library, his room, and in the gardens when it is warm.

Atreus is a very sweet young man, he likes to go out and help others and enjoys others company when he can. He comes off as confident but when you unwrap him you see he isn't allows such.

True to his type, Atreus is a very intuitive person and can sense others' emotions very well. Because of certain mental and physical training, Atreus has on occasion been able to predict what a person would do next.

He is a very emotional person, sometimes too emotional. Atreus will sometimes lose control of himself and lash out at people, a trait he got from Pike. He tries his best but when you reach your limit it is a hard feat.

Atreus for all his accomplishments is deeply self-conscious. He fears rejection and failing in his parents' presence. He is a very smart and very capable person when he tunes out distractions but then he crumbles when he overthinks.

groups Social
Favorite food - What is Arcus Heres Atreus ap Pike ’s favorite food?

Noodles with like salty sauce his papa Quinn calls "soy" and this delicious chicken or pork. His papa said that it is a variation of food called "Chinese food". Achilles has no clue what Chinese is but he likes it nonetheless.

Favorite animal - What is Arcus Heres Atreus ap Pike ’s favorite animal?

Tigers. His father, Pike, owned two Sabers when he was younger and for Atreus's 5th birthday he had a tiger engineered for him. The tiger is a white and reddish stripped Bangel named Zeus.

(this gift was much to Quinn's dismay, Zeus was almost as to Achilles' hip even as a cub)

Favorite weapon - What is Arcus Heres Atreus ap Pike ’s favorite weapon?

Xiphos shortsword, used by the greeks ironically, and his Stun Ring. It's exactly what it sounds like, it is a ring that Quinn gave to him for his 16th birthday. When pressed to a person's pulse point, it emits an electric pulse to stun them and knock them out.

Note: Pike's Universe does have technologically advanced weaponry but on Terra, they only use basic weapons during training but advanced weaponry during riots or real fights. (Arena battles, duels, war, etc)

Favorite possession - What is Arcus Heres Atreus ap Pike ’s favorite possession?

His pack. His pack is what he carried with him when he goes exploring. It has everything he needs. Some examples would be an Exo-Suit, freeze-dried snacks, a compass, something to write with, a commlink in case he gets lost, a waterproof blanket, and medical supplies.

Note: An Exo-Suit is a skin-tight suit that covers the wearer's whole body except for their head and hands. Think of it as a stylish wet suit. The boots and suit material are automatically sizing to the wearer. The suit has settings like, "Tropic", "Artic", "Forest", "Desert", and "Ocean" plus various weather modifications. The climate suit settings help the wearer stay comfortable and blend in with there surroundings. Just a little side note too, the suit is also bulletproof and can link to a com and tell the wearer directions, messages from authorized senders, if motion is detected, and the time. Which is always handy.

Favorite color - What is Arcus Heres Atreus ap Pike ’s favorite color?

Maroon and/or Red

Occupation - What is Arcus Heres Atreus ap Pike ’s occupation?

Arch Heir and Prince of Terra Minor

Politics - What politics does Arcus Heres Atreus ap Pike have?

Democratic Monarchy

Religion - What religion does Arcus Heres Atreus ap Pike practice?


Job - What job does Arcus Heres Atreus ap Pike have?

Representing his father at meetings and events that the King's representative is required. His job is to also shadow his father and learn how to be the next Arch King and to learn the duties of a Paladin should the mantel be passed to him

Description of Religion

Herraism was their religion created during the ice age that resulted after Earth (Terra) completely reverting back to its natural state and destroying most cities and areas. Though technology returned and became even more advanced, Herraism still prevailed and it practices still.

info History
Education - What is Arcus Heres Atreus ap Pike ’s level of education?

Achilles was privately tutors and trained in their castle in the capital. He has separate tutors for different subjects like politics, philosophy, psychology, and polemology. Achilles calls it the "Four P's"

As a prince and possible future Paladin, Achilles also learned sword skills and various other weapons. He is a very good shoot with a crossbow and a rifle.

The more fun things he gets to choose to study are poetry, botany, astronomy, and cooking (ironically).

(Do not let this boy cook for you! He is a terrible cook but at least he tries)

Background - What is Arcus Heres Atreus ap Pike ’s background?

Atreus was "born" on November 28th in the year (idk), six years after his parents got married. Atreus was not technically born or even conceived naturally. He is in all sense of the word, a test tube baby. Atreus was conceived artificially by a process called Muto-Birth. This is when they take two DNA strands, one from each parent, and grow the offspring in a stimulated birthing pod designed to act like an artificial womb. In Atreus's case, the strand of Quinn's DNA was modified to form into an egg and the egg was then tricked into thinking Pike's DNA was sperm. The process of Muto-Birth is about 9 months, like a normal cycle, but because Muto-Birth is such a delicate process it usually takes 10 months. With Atreus, he was born after almost a year in the pod but still looking like a newborn. He was born at 11 months because modifications to his DNA needed to form.

Atreus had a wonderful childhood with his parents. They lived mostly in their summer villa away from the city and Pike would only go to the capital when he absolutely needed to. Atreus got to spend a lot of time with his fathers, they would go hiking and swimming and Pike would take Atreus's horseback riding.

When Atreus was mostly homeschool by his parents and various tutors until he decided to go to a private academy in the capital, Oraphia.

(this is basically where the story begins)

Birthday - When is Arcus Heres Atreus ap Pike ’s birthday?

November 28th

(changed his parents birth year, need to calculate)


Sabaid Krig

(see Hastae Regem Corren ap Arran for this information. I will be adding it here soon)

device_hub Family
Pets - What pets does Arcus Heres Atreus ap Pike have?

A tiger named Zeus

shopping_basket Inventory
history Changelog
edit Notes

Atreus calls Quinn Papa or Momma, kinda depends. Mostly Momma but that's in private or when he is upset.

Atreus is questioning his sexuality right now, he knows his parents would be super supportive no matter what. He is definitely interested in girls but he finds he has an attraction towards men sometimes.

(Atreus later finds out he is Bisexual and Polyamorous. He has two partners Kalsang ap Adair , and Vera ferch Rachel )

The name Atreus means "Fearless"

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This character was created by Sophie on

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