info Overview
Name - What is Nas Fheàrr named?

Nas Fheàrr

Description - How would you describe Nas Fheàrr's people?

Enchanced Humans.

Nas fheàrr means, "Better", in Gaelic.

Other names - What other names do Nas Fheàrr have?

Enhanced Humans, Fheàrrian

face Looks
Body shape - What does the average Nas Fheàrr body shape look like?


Skin colors - What skin color(s) are common on the Nas Fheàrr race?

Any and many, same as humans. Pale to dark, tan, and more. Albinism and Vitiligo is also possible.

General height - How tall is the average Nas Fheàrr?

Average Heights:
6'6 for male
6'0 for females

General weight - How heavy is the average Nas Fheàrr?


Notable features - What physical features on a Nas Fheàrr are most noticeable?

Incredible height and uncommon eye colors. Their pupils also expand and constrict at a greater degree than humans, meaning they can see very well during the day AND at night.

(more changes to come)

Physical variance - How much variance is there between individuals of the Nas Fheàrr race?

Like humans there are many variations between people and groups, the common similarities that set them apart from humans are their incredible height, eye colors, and incredible strength.

Some Fheàrrian have slightly longer canine teeth then others, these can range from very obvious "fangs" to slightly more elongated canines than that of a human.

Typical clothing - What kind of clothing is common with Nas Fheàrr individuals?

Differs depending on culture.

fingerprint Traits
groups Culture
Beliefs - What beliefs are commonly held by the Nas Fheàrr?

They worship the pantheon of the Teulu

Governments - What governments are common with the Nas Fheàrr?

The Partneriaeth

date_range History
edit Notes
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