info Overview
Name - What is Oraphia ’s full name?


Type - What type of location is Oraphia ?


Description - Describe Oraphia .

Oraphia is the capital city in all of Terra. It has a population of about 22 million people, any member of any Clan can live in Oraphia if granted permission by their Paladin.

The Imperial Castle and Arena are in Oraphia and is the main home of the Terran Royal Family.

Other notable locations within the city are The Taxia Coliseum, the ancient Oraphia Garrison, the Cemetary of Kings, the Awyr Citadel, and the Hall of Justice

face Culture
Language - What languages are spoken in Oraphia ?

Terran English. It is a mix of English, Latin, and Welsh.

Population - What is Oraphia ’s population?

Around 22 million people live in Oraphia

Currency - What currencies are used in Oraphia ?

Three forms, shown below going from lowest to highest worth

Granas: 5 granas make a coba
Cobas: 10 cobas make an opal
Opals: are worth about 15 dollars if you are using modern American money

Motto - What is Oraphia ’s motto?


Laws - What are the laws in Oraphia ?

The same basic laws and rules of any of our societies today but they have a curfew of certain sectors of the capital city. To enters certain areas of the city you have to have a transfer pass and a credible reason to be there. This is for everyone's safety and to make sure crime stays low.

Sports - What sports are played in Oraphia ?

Gladiator matches and some tournament events.

These gladiators matches are none deadly but still intense, a lot rides on winning. Some people fight to earn extra money or purely because they are good at it. Very rarely a prisoner of war will ask to fight to earn their freedom back. A lot of the Gladiator competitors are professionals, they are contracted to fight for different high ranking families and can even earn a place in the family should they gain favor.

business Cities
map Geography
Area - What kind of area is Oraphia in?

Oraphia is a vast city surrounded by forests and mountain ranges. They have beautiful views of waterfalls that cascade down the mountains and into the rivers that help to power their great city

Crops - What crops does Oraphia produce?

They do not grow many crops themselves but they do grow medicinal plants and valuable herbs in hydroponic gardens.

Located at - Where is Oraphia located?

At the head of the Mellow River and at the base of the White Mountains.

Climate - What is the climate like in Oraphia ?

The city does not have its own climate, it depends entirely on what the weather around it feels like doing. Terra doesn't follow a strict weather pattern except that winter is long and harsh and most of the planet freezes over in this time

book History
Established Year - When was Oraphia established?

2470, 5 years after the war ended. The city was tiny for hundreds of years and then grew and grew

Founding Story - How was Oraphia founded?

Oraphia was formed when the Clan's first came into existence. They agreed they needed their own lands but they needed to have a place to come together. Oraphia started out as a small village and grew. The Arch King was not invented yet, he was merely called a Chief back then.

Thousands of years later, Orpahia is a thriving futuristic city with advanced technology.

Notable Wars - What notable wars has Oraphia been involved in?

Nobody has been able to successfully attack Oraphia. Yet.

history Changelog
edit Notes

Firstly, the picture featured for Oraphia is not owned by me
The long garden featured is the famous royal garden of the Arch King, it has many rare species of plants. It has a lower level more in the castle itself, it is like a humid greenhouse in that part

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