info Overview
Name - What is Sulone Ekonata’s full name?

Sulone Ekonata

Role - What is Sulone Ekonata’s role in your story?

Main character

Other names - What other aliases does Sulone Ekonata go by?

No other names

Gender - What is Sulone Ekonata’s gender?


Age - How old is Sulone Ekonata?


face Looks
Weight - How much does Sulone Ekonata weigh?

147 lbs.

Height - How tall is Sulone Ekonata?


Hair Color - What color is Sulone Ekonata’s hair?

Black with hints of blue

Hair Style - How does Sulone Ekonata style their hair?

Typically in a bun, but occasionally let down.

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Sulone Ekonata have?

No facial hair

Eye Color - What is Sulone Ekonata’s eye color?

One a navy blue, one pale due to blindness

Race - What is Sulone Ekonata’s race?


Skin Tone

Moderately tan with yellow undertones

Body Type

Muscular. Her shoulders are a bit wider than her hips.

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Sulone Ekonata have?

A wide scar across the left side of her face. It starts wide on her jaw, sprays over her eye, and thins to her hairline.

fingerprint Nature
Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Sulone Ekonata have?

Authoritative and stern, with a strong attitude and stern, efficient language. She also has a commanding presence despite her height.

Motivations - What motivates Sulone Ekonata most?

Justice and protection for those who cannot protect themselves. Abolishment of the current justice and prison system, abolition of the death penalty. Sulone wants peace and justice for all, regardless of past.

Flaws - What flaws does Sulone Ekonata have?

Pessimistic and cynical. She doesn't expect things to go right and is always mentally prepared for the worst.

Prejudices - What prejudices does Sulone Ekonata have?

Sulone does not hold any prejudices.

Talents - What talents does Sulone Ekonata have?

She has a very good singing voice. She can also sing in a style that's specific to Gaia; a way of throat singing.

Hobbies - What hobbies does Sulone Ekonata have?

Despite not being very good at them, Sulone likes to make miniatures, such as little scenes and characters. However, she hasn't been able to make any ever since she left home. She also likes to cook.


She likes the color blue, mountains, snow, the moon, stargazing, fiction and poetry, books about ancient history, and hiking.


Fire, spicy food, the color red, hot weather, when her armor gets dirty literally 4 minutes after she cleans and polishes it, deserts, and her brother Mars's cooking.


She is afraid of fire.

Personality type - What personality type is Sulone Ekonata?

"Stern and Reliable". She's a natural mediator and tries to level the field when possible.


Her left eye is blind due to an accident in a burning building. However, she has a special headpiece that helps with this in combat.

Magical Abilities

Her magic is Byzine. She channels her magic into her hammer.

groups Social
Religion - What religion does Sulone Ekonata practice?


Politics - What politics does Sulone Ekonata have?


Occupation - What is Sulone Ekonata’s occupation?


Favorite color - What is Sulone Ekonata’s favorite color?

Blue and lavender

Favorite food - What is Sulone Ekonata’s favorite food?

Vegetable dumplings

Favorite possession - What is Sulone Ekonata’s favorite possession?

A headpiece that helps her see in combat. It was given to her by her adoptive mother.

Favorite weapon - What is Sulone Ekonata’s favorite weapon?

War-hammers and greatswords

Favorite animal - What is Sulone Ekonata’s favorite animal?


Job - What job does Sulone Ekonata have?

She works for the king as an appointed knight and captain of the guard.

Languages spoken

Her native language: Gaiish, and fluent common.

date_range History
Birthday - When is Sulone Ekonata’s birthday?

October 24th

Education - What is Sulone Ekonata’s level of education?

Sulone had basic schooling and graduated from high school. She went into knighthood in New Sillium at 17.

Background - What is Sulone Ekonata’s background?

Sulone was born to Sade and Javid Ekonata in a small town named Fima. She had a brother named Mars, who was already 12 when she was born. A few years later, the Ekonata family's house caught fire, and Mars was able to save Sulone, though she suffered a burning gash to her left eye, leaving her blind and facially deformed.
Although Sulone, her brother, and her mom made it out alive, their father wasn't as lucky. Once the officials cleaned up the fire, they suspected criminal causes and, after a long trial, convicted Sade. Sulone and Mars moved between different homes before being adopted by a woman far north in the mountain town of Coiase.
Sulone grew up and finished school before swearing an oath as a knight and moving to New Sillium with her brother at the age of 17. She served as a knight in Brandil, New Sillium, for four years until the beginning of the story.
Sulone is an activist for judicial reform and abolition of the current prison system.

device_hub Family

Her brother's wife, Vadoni Ekonata.

shopping_basket Inventory
Typically On-Hand

Her headpiece, hammer, rations for travel, around 100 gold, and a note from her brother.

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