info Overview
Name - What is Agaelios Deafrodeon’s full name?

Agaelios Deafrodeon

Role - What is Agaelios Deafrodeon’s role in your story?

Main Character

Other names - What other aliases does Agaelios Deafrodeon go by?

Gail and Lios

Gender - What is Agaelios Deafrodeon’s gender?


Age - How old is Agaelios Deafrodeon?


face Looks
Weight - How much does Agaelios Deafrodeon weigh?

143 lbs.

Height - How tall is Agaelios Deafrodeon?


Hair Color - What color is Agaelios Deafrodeon’s hair?


Hair Style - How does Agaelios Deafrodeon style their hair?

Curly shaggy hair that falls a little below their horns

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Agaelios Deafrodeon have?


Eye Color - What is Agaelios Deafrodeon’s eye color?


Race - What is Agaelios Deafrodeon’s race?


Skin Tone

Pale blue, dusted with purple at the cheeks and nose.

Body Type

Lanky and flat. Not a single curve. ruler I hardly know her

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Agaelios Deafrodeon have?

The 2 horns on their head and gigantic ears.

fingerprint Nature
Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Agaelios Deafrodeon have?

They move their feet a lot and are very touchy-feely whether they're conscious of it or not. You'll never catch them slouching or relaxing their posture in any way. They tend to talk with the 'ay' and 'oh' sounds drawn out in specific words.

Motivations - What motivates Agaelios Deafrodeon most?

Agaelios wants to find happiness and peace of mind. They want to feel secure in themselves and discover who they are. They want to teach and to be taught.

Flaws - What flaws does Agaelios Deafrodeon have?

They believe in a strict religion-based lifestyle and are typically critical of others who constantly fall short of their set disciplines. They have a 'Holier than thou' attitude. They're very strict with their moral compass and often try to push it on others.

Prejudices - What prejudices does Agaelios Deafrodeon have?

Agaelios believes that people who don't believe in gods that rule with peace and love in their morals are worse off. They are usually unnecessarily suspicious of them, but at least tries to give them the benefit of the doubt.

Talents - What talents does Agaelios Deafrodeon have?

Vast knowledge of medicine, biology, chemistry, and history. Also very good with stringed instruments!

Hobbies - What hobbies does Agaelios Deafrodeon have?

They love music and have a green thumb! They also love to perform little songs for their friends and tend to different plants. (Whether it's theirs or not)


Plants, gardening, medicine, recipes, spring weather, and stringed instruments.
Agaelios loves a good nature walk or picnic (especially if there are cool bugs!)


They dislike spicy food, experimental music and art, hot weather, and staying up late.


The Thonwold

Personality type - What personality type is Agaelios Deafrodeon?

"Cheerful Sage". Eager to learn and experience the world, yet already building on a massive knowledge base.



Magical Abilities

Agaelios is impossible to categorize due to a lack of information.

groups Social
Religion - What religion does Agaelios Deafrodeon practice?

They worship the 9 gods of life, and they have a devotion to Fedillia (Fay-Di-Lya), the goddess of growth and new life.

Politics - What politics does Agaelios Deafrodeon have?

They don't live in one certain town, so they don't exactly belong to one political state. They align with ideologies valuing life and its preservation.

Occupation - What is Agaelios Deafrodeon’s occupation?

Cleric and Priest of the 9 gods of life.

Favorite color - What is Agaelios Deafrodeon’s favorite color?

A strong aqua.

Favorite food - What is Agaelios Deafrodeon’s favorite food?

Anything Elven. Anything.

Favorite possession - What is Agaelios Deafrodeon’s favorite possession?

Their 8-stringed lute and many rings.

Favorite weapon - What is Agaelios Deafrodeon’s favorite weapon?

They have a gilded staff, which they use for their magic.

Favorite animal - What is Agaelios Deafrodeon’s favorite animal?

Yes! All of them! If it lives they love them!

Job - What job does Agaelios Deafrodeon have?

Cleric and Doctor. They typically perform religious ceremonies for the people of whichever town they're in. They also specialize in healing medicine and make stops around the country.

Languages spoken

A little bit of everything, really. However, they're completely fluent in Thonwald, Common, and Elvish.

date_range History
Birthday - When is Agaelios Deafrodeon’s birthday?

December 29th

Current Living Place

Education - What is Agaelios Deafrodeon’s level of education?

The Thonwold are very strictly schooled throughout their childhood, and Agaelios studied medicine, anatomy, healing magic, history and biology for 10 years after finishing their schooling. They have been credited to several research breakthroughs and medicinal recipes.

Background - What is Agaelios Deafrodeon’s background?

Agaelios came from a city far off toward the northwest, Yliae, where the rest of their kind live. It's located very high in the sky, and the only way up or down is by transportation or magic.
The Thonwold are a very secluded race; they let no unknown person in and don't let their children out. Agaelios was born into a common class and spent their life studying medicine and healing. at 20, Agaelios became disgusted with the secrecy behind healing magic that their race had been hiding from the rest of the world. So they disowned themselves and left Yliae to teach their knowledge to the world below, as well as learn about and enjoy the culture below.

device_hub Family
shopping_basket Inventory
Typically On-Hand

Gilded staff, medicinal herbs, and a lute.

edit Notes

-Their name is pronounced (Ah-gay-lee-ohs) (De-ah-fro-dee-on)
-Agaelios' horns are similar to their nose in that the base is made of bone, and the rest is made of cartilage.
-They have notably long fingers.
-They stand at 6'0, counting their horns.

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