info Overview
Name - What is Leon C. Adoture’s full name?

Leon C. Adoture

Role - What is Leon C. Adoture’s role in your story?


Other names - What other aliases does Leon C. Adoture go by?


Gender - What is Leon C. Adoture’s gender?


Age - How old is Leon C. Adoture?


face Looks
Weight - How much does Leon C. Adoture weigh?

235 lbs.

Height - How tall is Leon C. Adoture?


Hair Color - What color is Leon C. Adoture’s hair?

Golden Blond

Hair Style - How does Leon C. Adoture style their hair?

A little longer than his jaw, typically worn up in a ponytail.

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Leon C. Adoture have?


Eye Color - What is Leon C. Adoture’s eye color?

Pale green

Race - What is Leon C. Adoture’s race?


Skin Tone

White with red undertones

Body Type

Box shaped and Chunky.

fingerprint Nature
Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Leon C. Adoture have?

Leon is not very spatially aware. He's clumsy, and he tends to knock things over and trip on things. He usually gets stuck inside his head and is rather flighty with his attention. However, he thinks about things for way too long before making a decision.

Motivations - What motivates Leon C. Adoture most?

Nothing, really, until he stumbled upon Achrove. Rove pushes him to try his best and step outside of his own realm.

Flaws - What flaws does Leon C. Adoture have?

He has trouble reading the mood of situations, and will frequently state the obvious. He's an airhead. Leo never really knows what to say when comforting people, and is a dumbass.

Prejudices - What prejudices does Leon C. Adoture have?

Leon doesn't hold any prejudices.

Talents - What talents does Leon C. Adoture have?

He is close to perfecting his swordsmanship, and he's got a record of being able to take 34 bags of groceries in one trip.

Hobbies - What hobbies does Leon C. Adoture have?

He loves baking pastries or sweets. He's very good with ingredients, however, he usually forgets to take it off the heat.


He likes Achrove, sweets, reading stories for people, early mornings, hot drinks like cider, autumn weather, butterflies and dragonflies, flowers (especially pink roses), sleeping, and days out on the town.


He doesn't like strong or bitter tastes, humid weather, cinnamon, the feeling of cotton, spelling, minimalism, and people who are mean to kids.



Personality type - What personality type is Leon C. Adoture?

Leo is rather airy. He thinks about things a little longer than others and tends to stay in his comfort zone. He stays laid-back most of the time and is a good listener. He's more of a soft giant than anything.


-Terminal Dumbass Disease

Magical Abilities

He's never been able to use his magic before so he doesn't know if it's Byzine or Central.

groups Social
Religion - What religion does Leon C. Adoture practice?


Politics - What politics does Leon C. Adoture have?


Occupation - What is Leon C. Adoture’s occupation?

Sellsword. He's in a fighter's guild and travels around taking jobs where he can.

Favorite color - What is Leon C. Adoture’s favorite color?


Favorite food - What is Leon C. Adoture’s favorite food?

Any and all sweets. (Especially the Eushames cream puffs, but he doesn't know that yet.)

Favorite possession - What is Leon C. Adoture’s favorite possession?

His sword: Achrove Gawasi

Favorite weapon - What is Leon C. Adoture’s favorite weapon?

One-handed longswords.

Favorite animal - What is Leon C. Adoture’s favorite animal?

Frogs and Snails.

Job - What job does Leon C. Adoture have?

Typically hired for high-level pest control jobs, like beasts and plunderers terrorizing cities.

Languages spoken

Common and "hello, I can't speak Elvish." in Elvish.

date_range History
Birthday - When is Leon C. Adoture’s birthday?

May 21st

Education - What is Leon C. Adoture’s level of education?

Basic, he has a reasonable vocabulary, but if you ask him to do long division he will pass out as a defense mechanism.

Background - What is Leon C. Adoture’s background?

Leon was born to one late Arthur Cain Adoture and Ruth Winslow Batten.
Ruth was always a simple woman, growing up in Jusalt, a small town off the tailcoat of Brandil.
Her family was lower middle class, her father a fisherman, her mother a school teacher. She never knew wealth in her life.
Arthur Cain Adoture is another story. Unlike his wife, Arthur was known throughout town as a sort of fable. He was a mercenary and a good one at that. He spent most of his days serving his guild and taking the most dangerous jobs with the most dangerous creatures. He was famous for his prowess and infamous for his hubris.
Like many others, Ruth discovered her magic in school, but her parents could never afford lessons to develop it. She uses Byzanine magic and can make small objects move across tables. She had worked as a maid after school. Freshly 17, Long hours, and a cramped house with 3 roommates. In the summer, just before her 19th birthday, Ruth was hired by a local fighters guild to serve food at a celebration. Despite her initial hesitation, she took the offer and made plans to stay the night there. The celebration was for one Arthur C. Adoture, the guest of honor because of his recent victory in a fight against a dragon that had been making trouble about the countryside. After laying eyes on one of the many simple servers working that night, Arthur was head over heels. He spent the whole night unabashedly trying to get Ruth to notice him. And why did it need to be so hard! The honored guest? Struggling for attention? It was a strange night.
Once he got his foot in the door and a place in her heart, Ruth and Arthur were married. Ruth became a regular employee of the guild, and a year and a half later, welcomed their son Leon “caino-mighty” Adoture into the world.
4 years after the birth of his son, Arthur’s pride won against him, as he pressured himself into a battle he didn't believe he could win. He was proven right and was slain by an unknown creature that was terrorizing a foreign town. Arthur’s remains were found in shreds, and only half were able to be returned home to Brandil.
Devastated after the loss of her husband, the loss of her job and the loss of her home, Ruth gave up Leon to the guild and took her luck on a boat across the world.
Leo was raised by the guild members, although struggling from the blow that losing Arthur had given. They told him tales of his father, and when he was old enough gave him his sword. It was a gorgeous work of metal. Silver veins ran through the hilt, the blade was long, balanced, and heavy. It almost seemed to look at you when you held it, it also seemed to glare at you when you held it wrong. Leon followed in the footsteps of his father, taking jobs for the guild and making quite a name for himself. Rumors began that Leo was like his father, but without the critical flaw of pride. While it’s true that Leo was not prideful, it’s also to be mentioned that he had his own critical flaw; he hadn’t a single ounce of confidence or charisma. He’d train alone and speak only when spoken to. All his jobs went the same. Get in, solve the problem, get out.

shopping_basket Inventory
Typically On-Hand

His sword, a decent sum of gold, a LOT of bread, and a belt with numerous pouches and a sheathed knife. One (1) health potion.

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