info Overview
Name - What is Melrod Galvant’s full name?

Melrod Galvant

Role - What is Melrod Galvant’s role in your story?


Other names - What other aliases does Melrod Galvant go by?


Gender - What is Melrod Galvant’s gender?


Age - How old is Melrod Galvant?


face Looks
Weight - How much does Melrod Galvant weigh?

154 lbs.

Height - How tall is Melrod Galvant?


Hair Color - What color is Melrod Galvant’s hair?

Forest / Viridian Green

Hair Style - How does Melrod Galvant style their hair?

Buzzed sides, shoulder-length straight hair on top

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Melrod Galvant have?


Eye Color - What is Melrod Galvant’s eye color?


Race - What is Melrod Galvant’s race?


Skin Tone

Tan, earthy brown

Body Type

Tall, muscular, and pear-shaped.

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Melrod Galvant have?

A leaf tattoo on her left deltoid

fingerprint Nature
Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Melrod Galvant have?

Melrod is a tomboyish character, typically putting her feet up on tables, sitting back in chairs, and keeping her knees apart, no matter the company. She's confident and outgoing. She has a give-away accent from growing up in her small town.

Motivations - What motivates Melrod Galvant most?

Knowledge. She seeks to know answers to every question, reactions to every action, the twist to every story.

Flaws - What flaws does Melrod Galvant have?

She's brash. She typically states her opinions without regard for others. She'll call out any lies or things she thinks are stupid or wrong. She's ill-mannered, and woe to the person who tells her she's wrong.

Prejudices - What prejudices does Melrod Galvant have?

She regards humans like children a lot.

Talents - What talents does Melrod Galvant have?

Melrod has an excellent memory. She's an expert in the field of history, magic history, and literary history.
She's also a god with a bow.

Hobbies - What hobbies does Melrod Galvant have?

Melrod collects and reads history tomes, and likes to play games with her bow.
She also likes to widdle sometimes, though she isn't very good.


She really likes forest and mountain biomes, hot drinks, views from up high, jungles, quiet areas, long fiction and nonfiction books, and moderate weather.


She dislikes posh trends, fancy courts, extreme weather, bland food, elitism, rules, being wrong, waking up early, and having too many things on her person.



Personality type - What personality type is Melrod Galvant?

She's loud, outgoing, and likes to take challenges head-on. She's confident and realistic, chaotic good, and short on mercy for the ones in the way of the greater good.


no conditions

Magical Abilities

Her magic comes from Central Magic. She uses it to focus on her acrobatics and quick, steady movements.

groups Social
Religion - What religion does Melrod Galvant practice?

She knows the gods are there, but she does not want anything to do with them.

Politics - What politics does Melrod Galvant have?


Occupation - What is Melrod Galvant’s occupation?

Ranger, protector of the forest.

Favorite color - What is Melrod Galvant’s favorite color?


Favorite food - What is Melrod Galvant’s favorite food?

Chocolate and Cacao centered foods.

Favorite possession - What is Melrod Galvant’s favorite possession?

Her red cloak

Favorite weapon - What is Melrod Galvant’s favorite weapon?

Bows and crossbows.

Favorite animal - What is Melrod Galvant’s favorite animal?


Job - What job does Melrod Galvant have?

She patrols and guards the forests against threats like hunters and poachers and keeps the natural wildlife safe from harm and infringement.

Languages spoken

Mocgho (a Tribe-Specific Wood-Elven) and Common.
(She knows a little of a long-dead prehistoric language, Hagheri, just so she can call people stupid without them knowing)

date_range History
Birthday - When is Melrod Galvant’s birthday?

April 15th

Current Living Place

Education - What is Melrod Galvant’s level of education?

Highly Educated in historical and literary studies. She's poured her life into it.

Background - What is Melrod Galvant’s background?

She comes from the Jungle elf tribe 'Gyrochi' in Hemace, Mthyo. She grew up in a regular family with her mom, dad, and brother.

device_hub Family
Pets - What pets does Melrod Galvant have?

No matter where she goes, she keeps running into this one tabby cat, and she's come to name him Theodore. They have a bit of a mutual understanding.

shopping_basket Inventory
Typically On-Hand

A belt with various pouches on it, a few gold pieces, a sheathed knife, her bow, a quiver filled with arrows, and her red hooded cloak.

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