info Overview
Name - What is Achrove Gawasi ’s full name?

Achrove Gawasi

Role - What is Achrove Gawasi ’s role in your story?


Other names - What other aliases does Achrove Gawasi go by?

Rove, Ro,

Gender - What is Achrove Gawasi ’s gender?


Age - How old is Achrove Gawasi ?


face Looks
Weight - How much does Achrove Gawasi weigh?

152 lbs.

Height - How tall is Achrove Gawasi ?


Hair Color - What color is Achrove Gawasi ’s hair?

Dark chesnut

Hair Style - How does Achrove Gawasi style their hair?

Short on the sides, longer on top. Very curly.

Eye Color - What is Achrove Gawasi ’s eye color?

Viridian green

Race - What is Achrove Gawasi ’s race?

Half-Desert elf

Skin Tone


Body Type

Not very muscular, but his weight is very evenly distributed.

fingerprint Nature
Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Achrove Gawasi have?

He taps his fingers and his feet on things subconsciously to make different beats and melodies. He also hums a lot. Very energetic and bouncy, constantly moving and alive.

Motivations - What motivates Achrove Gawasi most?

He wants to live his life to the fullest while he still has it, he wants to experience everything he can, and not waste time. He has a bucket list of things to do and he feels that he needs to finish it ASAP.

Flaws - What flaws does Achrove Gawasi have?

He's impatient. He doesn't like to wait around for things to happen. He'll sacrifice quality for speed and tends to rush things.

Talents - What talents does Achrove Gawasi have?

He has a good sense of rhythm and is a great dancer;
He's light on his feet and good at sneaking around.

Hobbies - What hobbies does Achrove Gawasi have?

He loves hiking and climbing; anything to do with exploring and walking around. He doesn't have much of a green thumb, but he likes to pretend he does.


He likes going to festivals and fairs, public events, waking up early, warm drinks, summer, and spicy food.


He can't stand food that is too sweet, cold weather, rain(although he admits it's romantic), clutter, and disorganization.


No phobias, but he's afraid that he'll die a lonely old man filled with regret.

Personality type - What personality type is Achrove Gawasi ?

Very confident. He's great at comforting people and gently pushing them to get out of their comfort zone. He always encourages his colleagues to try new things. He never backs down from a challenge, but knows his limits.

Magical Abilities

His magic is Central. he can use it to move quietly.

groups Social
Religion - What religion does Achrove Gawasi practice?


Politics - What politics does Achrove Gawasi have?


Occupation - What is Achrove Gawasi ’s occupation?


Favorite color - What is Achrove Gawasi ’s favorite color?


Favorite food - What is Achrove Gawasi ’s favorite food?

Elven poko (like a glorified lettuce wrap)

Favorite possession - What is Achrove Gawasi ’s favorite possession?

A childhood medallion from his mom and sister.

Favorite weapon - What is Achrove Gawasi ’s favorite weapon?

Not typically a fighter, but if need be, daggers.

Favorite animal - What is Achrove Gawasi ’s favorite animal?

Rabbits. He had one at home when he was sixteen. Her name was Ibbi.

Job - What job does Achrove Gawasi have?


Languages spoken

Desert Elvish, Common, and a little Gaiish

date_range History
Birthday - When is Achrove Gawasi ’s birthday?

November 12th

Current Living Place

Education - What is Achrove Gawasi ’s level of education?


Background - What is Achrove Gawasi ’s background?

He comes from a small, close-knit town near the Eushames Desert. His mom comes from Eusham and his father is from another town nearby, home to human immigrants, rather than desert elves.

device_hub Family


Extended Family


shopping_basket Inventory
Typically On-Hand

A small knife, some gold, and a medallion.

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