info Overview
Name - What is Mars Ekonata’s full name?

Mars Ekonata

Role - What is Mars Ekonata’s role in your story?

Side Character

Gender - What is Mars Ekonata’s gender?


Age - How old is Mars Ekonata?


face Looks
Weight - How much does Mars Ekonata weigh?

183 lbs.

Height - How tall is Mars Ekonata?


Hair Color - What color is Mars Ekonata’s hair?

Navy blue

Hair Style - How does Mars Ekonata style their hair?

Short, wavy/curly hair

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Mars Ekonata have?

He's been trying so hard to grow a beard since he was 15. So far, he only has a light scruff.

Eye Color - What is Mars Ekonata’s eye color?

A medium gray/blue

Race - What is Mars Ekonata’s race?


Skin Tone

Pale white

Body Type

Fairly evenly distributed.

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Mars Ekonata have?

He has a large scar running up his left arm. It stops right above his elbow

fingerprint Nature
Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Mars Ekonata have?

He makes very extravagant hand gestures and expressions. Mars is quite flamboyant when talking and tends to have a wide range of vocal inflections.

Motivations - What motivates Mars Ekonata most?

The happiness of children. Anytime he thinks of what would make the lives of children in a similar situation as his family or others, he gets a gentle feeling and is inspired to change the whole world for them.

Flaws - What flaws does Mars Ekonata have?

Mars sometimes tends to act more emotionally rather than logically.

Prejudices - What prejudices does Mars Ekonata have?

He doesn't hold any prejudices.

Talents - What talents does Mars Ekonata have?

Really good with children and docile animals! He knows how to calm people down really well. He's decisive and intentional when it comes to strategy.

Hobbies - What hobbies does Mars Ekonata have?

He loves sewing in his spare time. He makes blankets and clothes and the like.

Personality type - What personality type is Mars Ekonata?

Very calm, very calming. He's charismatic and persuasive, and generally wants the best for everyone. Good Vibes.


Due to nerve damage, He lost feeling in his left hand and all movement in his middle and ring finger.

Magical Abilities

Like his sister, His magic type is Byzine.

groups Social
Religion - What religion does Mars Ekonata practice?


Politics - What politics does Mars Ekonata have?


Occupation - What is Mars Ekonata’s occupation?

Steward, King's Counsel.

Favorite color - What is Mars Ekonata’s favorite color?

Velvet Orange

Favorite food - What is Mars Ekonata’s favorite food?

Flidos (a lot like crepes)

Favorite possession - What is Mars Ekonata’s favorite possession?

A locket with 2 pictures, one from before the house fire, and one from around a year after being adopted by Vurniquette

Favorite animal - What is Mars Ekonata’s favorite animal?


Job - What job does Mars Ekonata have?

He advises the king and helps him with important decisions. He's good with negotiation rather than war tactics, so he fills the king's weaknesses very well. So far, he's done a great deal for the kingdom by helping the king to reform the criminal justice system.

Languages spoken

Fluent in Gaiish, Common, A dialect of Ajpota (a-sh-ph-oh-ta) from his time living in Coiase. He also speaks conversational Doibe, Fetran, and Mocalitosh.

date_range History
Birthday - When is Mars Ekonata’s birthday?

October 28th

Education - What is Mars Ekonata’s level of education?

He went to college for a few years

Background - What is Mars Ekonata’s background?

Mars was born to Sade and Javid Ekonata in a small Gaiish town named Fima. He had a normal education and a happy life with many friends. When he was 15, he returned from school to a house fire. He managed to save his little sister, (Sulone, age 3) and sustained minor injuries besides a burn and gash on his left arm.

Although he, his sister, and his mother, made it out alive, Their father, Javid, didn't make it. After city officials finished cleaning up the fire, they discovered the source was intentional and convicted Sade of the crime. Mars and Sulone circulated in various homes before being adopted by Vurnequette Nourwin, A historian who lived far north in a mountain town named Coiase. (coy-ya-see)

Mars went on to become an advisor at the table of Eldin Coulvine, King of New Sillium.

device_hub Family
Pets - What pets does Mars Ekonata have?

A dog named Chibbs

shopping_basket Inventory
Typically On-Hand

some kind of geek book i guarantee

edit Notes
Character chevron_right Children link linked Mars Ekonata

Character chevron_right Siblings link linked Mars Ekonata

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