info Overview
Name - What is Vurnequette Nourewine’s full name?

Vurnequette Nourewine

Role - What is Vurnequette Nourewine’s role in your story?

Side character

Other names - What other aliases does Vurnequette Nourewine go by?

Vurn, Nourewine.

Gender - What is Vurnequette Nourewine’s gender?


Age - How old is Vurnequette Nourewine?


face Looks
Weight - How much does Vurnequette Nourewine weigh?

300 lbs.

Height - How tall is Vurnequette Nourewine?


Hair Color - What color is Vurnequette Nourewine’s hair?

Cherry red on the roots but fades to blood red

Hair Style - How does Vurnequette Nourewine style their hair?

Long wavy hair. She typically keeps it down, however sometimes it has a floaty effect, so then she keeps it up. She also keeps it up when working or being active.

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Vurnequette Nourewine have?


Eye Color - What is Vurnequette Nourewine’s eye color?

Golden eyes

Race - What is Vurnequette Nourewine’s race?

Fire-kin Nylim

Skin Tone

Pale gold

Body Type

Broad shouldered. Triangle like.

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Vurnequette Nourewine have?

Her eyes and her wings

fingerprint Nature
Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Vurnequette Nourewine have?

She moves rather slow and delicately, despite being a giant. She still manages to accidentally break things sometimes.

Prejudices - What prejudices does Vurnequette Nourewine have?

She doesn't hold any prejudices besides Aniphlims.

Talents - What talents does Vurnequette Nourewine have?

She has an astounding memory

Hobbies - What hobbies does Vurnequette Nourewine have?

Reading. She's a very fast reader and loves every genre besides horror. (She's easily creeped out)


She likes spicy and sweet foods and tends to dislike things without much flavor. Also, she's not exactly opposed to cats, but she'd much prefer a dog.

She likes fairy tales and mythology but also enjoys history sometimes. However, throughout all her studies, she couldn't bring herself to study almost any higher maths and sciences.


She hates body horror. Scary stories of killers don't scare her too bad, but anything that's related to unnatural body horror freaks her out.

Personality type - What personality type is Vurnequette Nourewine?

Very patient, she literally has all the time in the world. However, she knows others have shorter lifespans, so she'll always push people towards things.


Limited mobility considering her wings and her large size

Magical Abilities

She has the ability to control flames with ease and even produce it with enough focus.

groups Social
Religion - What religion does Vurnequette Nourewine practice?

She worships the Faedins.

Occupation - What is Vurnequette Nourewine’s occupation?


Favorite color - What is Vurnequette Nourewine’s favorite color?

Her favorite color is a mix of dark blue and a color not on the human spectrum. She sees 4 primary colors and spends a lot of time trying to explain the beauty of her favorite color to people.

Favorite food - What is Vurnequette Nourewine’s favorite food?

Maucs; a fruit similar to peaches and pears.

Favorite possession - What is Vurnequette Nourewine’s favorite possession?

Her books ! Does Plato count?

Favorite weapon - What is Vurnequette Nourewine’s favorite weapon?

Doesn't use weapons and isn't a fighter, however, she does possess godly fire powers.

Favorite animal - What is Vurnequette Nourewine’s favorite animal?


Job - What job does Vurnequette Nourewine have?

A lot

Languages spoken

An easier question would be to ask what languages she doesn't speak.
sacred tribal and closed languages.

date_range History
Birthday - When is Vurnequette Nourewine’s birthday?

December 25th

Education - What is Vurnequette Nourewine’s level of education?

Several degrees. Too many to count. She's been alive and in a borderline hermitage for most of her 200 years. She spends most of this time memorizing books she keeps in her (a bit too small considering her size) house.

Background - What is Vurnequette Nourewine’s background?

Vurnequette has been alive after being begotten by a man and a god. she's a fire-kin nylim. Her love of history led her to learn a lot about the ancient town of fima, and thru this the town began to seek her help. Sade ekonata had just moved and was studying the history, and often studied under Vurn. They became good friends and Vurn took in Sulone and Mars when their father died and sade went to jail. She raised them and took care of them and keeps close contact with them despite their move across the world.

device_hub Family
Pets - What pets does Vurnequette Nourewine have?

A dog named Plato ! [[Character-720152]]


Daughter in Law: [[Character-714157]]

shopping_basket Inventory
edit Notes
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