info Overview
Name - What is HighwayPhantom ’s full name?


Other names - What other aliases does HighwayPhantom go by?

Lily Rogan

Gender - What is HighwayPhantom ’s gender?


Age - How old is HighwayPhantom ?


Role - What is HighwayPhantom ’s role in your story?

Main Protagonist

face Looks
Facial Hair - What facial hair does HighwayPhantom have?


Eye Color - What is HighwayPhantom ’s eye color?


Race - What is HighwayPhantom ’s race?

Australian- Wastelands Affiliation

Skin Tone

Tanned but fair

Body Type

Pear shaped, wide hips and broad shoulders

Weight - How much does HighwayPhantom weigh?


Height - How tall is HighwayPhantom ?


Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does HighwayPhantom have?

Ends up with a vertical scar down the left side of her face after the explosion that killed ButterflyBullets. Freckles and a few moles as well

Hair Color - What color is HighwayPhantom ’s hair?

Naturally brunette but for most of the novel has flame red hair to her waist. Then its cut to shoulder length and dyed black

Hair Style - How does HighwayPhantom style their hair?

When its long, mostly in plaits (usually a French braid but sometimes a fishtail or Dutch braid)
When its short she mostly wears it out

fingerprint Nature
Prejudices - What prejudices does HighwayPhantom have?

Dosnt trust Sector 2. She knows Sector 1 is evil but Sector 2 is a unknown and their president is just too nice and too altruistic

Personality type - What personality type is HighwayPhantom ?

Guarded but very loyal. When she attaches herself to someone she is loyal to death but it can take awhile to reach those levels.

Hobbies - What hobbies does HighwayPhantom have?

Reading, drawing

Talents - What talents does HighwayPhantom have?

Very good on a horse, dead accurate aim with a handgun though not so great with a rifle

Flaws - What flaws does HighwayPhantom have?

Her anger bubbles just beneath the surface so as a result she can be a loose cannon at times. Jumps to conclusions and takes the weight of the world on her shoulders.

Motivations - What motivates HighwayPhantom most?

Praise and genuine love

Mannerisms - What mannerisms does HighwayPhantom have?

Sits and stands very still from her time in Sector 1 doing her best not to attract any attention. Very deliberate gestures/motions. Very closed expressions, dosnt betray much on her face

groups Social
Favorite color - What is HighwayPhantom ’s favorite color?

Black and Silver

Religion - What religion does HighwayPhantom practice?


Politics - What politics does HighwayPhantom have?

While she aligns herself with SandSerpent and President Clark, honestly she belongs to no political affiliation

Occupation - What is HighwayPhantom ’s occupation?

She can do lots of things. While living with the girls she would keep the house in order, inventory their goods and make sure they always had enough. Pretty good at fixing and making things too

Favorite food - What is HighwayPhantom ’s favorite food?

Potatoes in all its forms

Favorite possession - What is HighwayPhantom ’s favorite possession?

Her horses and her books

Favorite weapon - What is HighwayPhantom ’s favorite weapon?

The Military grade handgun she stole from the Sector 1 Guard

Favorite animal - What is HighwayPhantom ’s favorite animal?


date_range History
Education - What is HighwayPhantom ’s level of education?

High for Killjoy, above average for Sector 1

Birthday - When is HighwayPhantom ’s birthday?

Her exact birthday is classified/unknown but she was born in 2048

Background - What is HighwayPhantom ’s background?

Born in Sector 1 as the only daughter of President Rogan to an unknown mother she was paraded around as the heir to his throne and used in lots of propaganda movies. By the time she was 12 she could already see the cracks in the so called perfect world she lived in. When she was 17 she was moved to run away where she fled up north, dodging the scanners and eventually stealing a horse, killing its rider and escaping across the bridge into the Wastelands.
There she roamed through the desert, earning the nickname of HighwayPhantom before DangerKid and RevengeFox attached themselves to her and she decided to settle on the property Barstow.

device_hub Family
shopping_basket Inventory
history Changelog
edit Notes
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This character was created by Ruby Stiff on

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