info Overview
Name - What is Toni Tanner’s full name?

Toni Tanner

Gender - What is Toni Tanner’s gender?

Female (Not sure)

Age - How old is Toni Tanner?


Role - What is Toni Tanner’s role in your story?

Main Antagonist

face Looks
Facial Hair - What facial hair does Toni Tanner have?


Eye Color - What is Toni Tanner’s eye color?

Cold blue

Skin Tone


Body Type

Plump, no waist, stocky legs

Weight - How much does Toni Tanner weigh?


Height - How tall is Toni Tanner?


Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Toni Tanner have?

Very distinctive voice, like fingernails down a blackboard. Other than that she is very unremarkable to look at, very plain but tidy dresser

Hair Color - What color is Toni Tanner’s hair?

Naturally a ranga but dyes it black

Hair Style - How does Toni Tanner style their hair?

Sleek styles, never a hair out of place. Lots of buns, french twists etc

fingerprint Nature
Prejudices - What prejudices does Toni Tanner have?

Hates Killjoys as her father was one and she tried to join them when she was a teenager but they rejected her because she was already a bitch.

Personality type - What personality type is Toni Tanner?

In some ways she is a contradiction because for a woman capable of perpetuating so much brutality she is a beautiful gardener and longs to have children of her own but is unable. She isnt evil, she is a victim of circumstance, a survivalist and a very flawed human being

Hobbies - What hobbies does Toni Tanner have?

Gardening, painting

Talents - What talents does Toni Tanner have?

Able to think six paces ahead of most people but unable to see fine details

Flaws - What flaws does Toni Tanner have?

Motivated by ego and a major control freak. Her desire to control every aspect of everything is a huge flaw

Motivations - What motivates Toni Tanner most?

Power, her own ego, position

Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Toni Tanner have?

Clean, precise hand movements, very direct and forthright manner of speaking

groups Social
Favorite color - What is Toni Tanner’s favorite color?


Religion - What religion does Toni Tanner practice?


Politics - What politics does Toni Tanner have?

While she is running Sector 1 she isnt of any political leaning herself. While in Sector 2 she adhered to democracy but didnt agree with it, she dosnt agree with Killjoy politics and while she uses the totalitarian methodology she isnt its biggest fan

Occupation - What is Toni Tanner’s occupation?

Currently running Sector 1, but really she is a glorified aide and speech writer

Favorite food - What is Toni Tanner’s favorite food?

Rice pudding, custard and beef stew

Favorite possession - What is Toni Tanner’s favorite possession?

She owns an extensive library but carries with her an english translation of Mein Kampf

Favorite weapon - What is Toni Tanner’s favorite weapon?

She dosnt use any weapons, she actually cant fight for crap

Favorite animal - What is Toni Tanner’s favorite animal?


date_range History
Education - What is Toni Tanner’s level of education?

Went to school in Sector 2 and was top of her class until she ran away from home at 16 and tried to join the Killjoys. Came back to Sector 2 and joined the Free State Univeristy to study English Literature, dropped out and by chance ended up in the office of an up and coming young politician called Clarke

Birthday - When is Toni Tanner’s birthday?


Background - What is Toni Tanner’s background?

Born in Sector 2, the product of a one night stand to a stockman from the wastelands she has two half siblings (incl Spider). Went to school in Sector 2 and did very well but never felt like she fit in. At 16 she ran away from home and tried to be a Killjoy but didnt fit in there either. Came back, went to Uni, dropped out and got a job working for the future President Clarke as his P.A, then Speech writer. Worked her way up the ranks in Clarke's cabinet until she nearly became his Deputy PM but was foiled by the other politicians who hated her. Thats when President Clarke and his crew visited Sector 1 and she caught the eye of President Rogan who poached her with the promise of power.

device_hub Family
Pets - What pets does Toni Tanner have?

A white fluffy Cat called Tobias

shopping_basket Inventory
history Changelog
edit Notes
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This character was created by Ruby Stiff on

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