info Overview
Name - What is President Wayne Clark’s full name?

President Wayne Clark

Gender - What is President Wayne Clark’s gender?


Age - How old is President Wayne Clark?


Role - What is President Wayne Clark’s role in your story?

President of the Democratic Sector 2

face Looks
Facial Hair - What facial hair does President Wayne Clark have?


Eye Color - What is President Wayne Clark’s eye color?

Bright blue

Race - What is President Wayne Clark’s race?


Skin Tone


Body Type


Weight - How much does President Wayne Clark weigh?


Height - How tall is President Wayne Clark?


Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does President Wayne Clark have?

Eyes that pop out of his face almost manically

Hair Color - What color is President Wayne Clark’s hair?

Strawberry Blonde

Hair Style - How does President Wayne Clark style their hair?

Strawberry blonde with lovely waves

fingerprint Nature
Personality type - What personality type is President Wayne Clark?

The Wildcard.
Everyone underestimates him as being silly, rambunctious and the playboy president without realising he won the votes of his people and cabinet by being a hard worker, a good organiser of people and not above stabbing some in the back if need be. Can switch from playboy to ruthless politician in under five seconds. He knows what kind of an image he projects and plays to it to catch people off guard

Hobbies - What hobbies does President Wayne Clark have?

Boats in bottles, books and chess

Talents - What talents does President Wayne Clark have?

None that should be talked about in polite conversation

Flaws - What flaws does President Wayne Clark have?

Self-confident, tries to build Rome without making the bricks first

Motivations - What motivates President Wayne Clark most?

Position, power, the adoration of the masses

Mannerisms - What mannerisms does President Wayne Clark have?

Laughs loudly and easily, big expressive gestures, perfect eye contact, able to fake genuineness too well

groups Social
Favorite color - What is President Wayne Clark’s favorite color?


Politics - What politics does President Wayne Clark have?


Favorite food - What is President Wayne Clark’s favorite food?


Favorite possession - What is President Wayne Clark’s favorite possession?

Two travellers who crossed the ocean by boat made a map of the world after the Oceans rose. In exchange for as much food, weaponry and whatever else Clark got his hands on one of these maps

Favorite weapon - What is President Wayne Clark’s favorite weapon?

His mouth. Anything he says is far more dangerous than anything he could do

Favorite animal - What is President Wayne Clark’s favorite animal?


Job - What job does President Wayne Clark have?

President of Sector 1 but before that was in minor politician and lawyer before that

date_range History
Education - What is President Wayne Clark’s level of education?

Surprisingly, he didnt do all that well at school. Could read and write fine but it didnt interest him

Background - What is President Wayne Clark’s background?

The kid who made something of himself, Clark was born into a well off business family with two older brothers who expected him to join the family business under their tutelage. Not interested in business, Clark began realising that he had a talent for getting people to do what he wanted from a very young age and decided to enter Politics

device_hub Family
shopping_basket Inventory
history Changelog
edit Notes

This character was created by Ruby Stiff on

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