info Overview
Name - What is Sector 2’s full name?

Sector 2

Type - What type of location is Sector 2?

Democratic State

Description - Describe Sector 2.

Takes up the bottom bulge of Western Australia

face Culture
Motto - What is Sector 2’s motto?

Peace above all else.

Sports - What sports are played in Sector 2?

Everything though Tennis is oddly popular

Laws - What are the laws in Sector 2?

Democratic laws with courts, juries and much the same as it was previously

Currency - What currencies are used in Sector 2?

Sector 2 gold and silver coins

Population - What is Sector 2’s population?

Around 600,000

Language - What languages are spoken in Sector 2?


business Cities
map Geography
Climate - What is the climate like in Sector 2?

Cool and dry with reasonable rain fall

Located at - Where is Sector 2 located?

Southern part of WA

Crops - What crops does Sector 2 produce?

Wheat, sorghum, barley, fruits and vegies

Area - What kind of area is Sector 2 in?

Cool and dry with some mountains

date_range History
Founding Story - How was Sector 2 founded?

Cut off from the rest of the mainland, it always had the potential to become totalitarian as people desperately wanted a leader, someone to look to and when the charismatic Kennedy came along the people almost revered him even some of his less great policies because they worked. His problem was that he believed the people would make the right choice and choose someone after him democratically. What he didnt count on was one of his lackeys, Proudlock assuming the mantle and the people shrugging and deciding to go along with it until it was too late. Rogan came along and decided to frame Proudlock before assuming his role. By now the nation had closed its borders to the outside and had become authoritarian

history Changelog
edit Notes
Character chevron_right Birthplace link linked Sector 2

This location was created by Ruby Stiff on

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