info Overview
Name - What is Libby ’s full name?


Other names - What other aliases does Libby go by?

Possible Killjoy names- IceSerpent, GlacierSnake, IcicleSerpent

Gender - What is Libby ’s gender?

Female (Lesbian)

Age - How old is Libby ?


Role - What is Libby ’s role in your story?


face Looks
Facial Hair - What facial hair does Libby have?


Eye Color - What is Libby ’s eye color?

pale blue

Race - What is Libby ’s race?


Skin Tone

Pale but covered in dark moles

Body Type

Solid, built like a brick outhouse

Weight - How much does Libby weigh?


Height - How tall is Libby ?


Hair Color - What color is Libby ’s hair?

Champagne blonde

Hair Style - How does Libby style their hair?

Shaved sides, long and wavy on top

fingerprint Nature
Prejudices - What prejudices does Libby have?

She hates everyone equally

Personality type - What personality type is Libby ?

Turncoat with absolutely no loyalties to anyone

Hobbies - What hobbies does Libby have?

Crocheting, piano, reading

Talents - What talents does Libby have?

People organiser

Flaws - What flaws does Libby have?

Its hard to narrow it down to a few flaws when overall they are just an awful person in general

Motivations - What motivates Libby most?

Being on the winning side of any fight

Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Libby have?

Hands on hips, feet square apart, minimal hand gestures, resting bitch face

groups Social
Favorite color - What is Libby ’s favorite color?


Politics - What politics does Libby have?

Whatever side furthers her criteria

Occupation - What is Libby ’s occupation?

In Sector 1 she works at the Power Station as one of the bosses, a relatively comfortable job with some measure of power that Tanner put her in charge of

Favorite food - What is Libby ’s favorite food?


Favorite weapon - What is Libby ’s favorite weapon?

Switchblade knife she carries on her

Favorite animal - What is Libby ’s favorite animal?


Job - What job does Libby have?

In Sector 1 she worked at the Power Station as one of the bosses

date_range History
Education - What is Libby ’s level of education?

Read/write/fairly good at math and surprisingly good at art

Background - What is Libby ’s background?

Libby is the only daughter of SandSerpent whose mother died in childbirth. While her father doted on her, he was rarely around being constantly busy with the goings on with his people and trying to keep Sector 1 appeased. From a very young age she figured out how to act like a devil to her babysitters and teachers but a saint to her father who didnt believe she was a monster until she betrayed him to Sector 1 after she met Tanner on. Even now the information she provides Tanner causes all manner of headaches for the Killjoys

device_hub Family
shopping_basket Inventory
history Changelog
edit Notes
Character chevron_right Children link linked Libby

This character was created by Ruby Stiff on

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