info Overview
Name - What is CaptainKillshot’s full name?


Other names - What other aliases does CaptainKillshot go by?


Gender - What is CaptainKillshot’s gender?


Age - How old is CaptainKillshot?


Role - What is CaptainKillshot’s role in your story?

Possible love interest for HighwayPhantom

face Looks
Facial Hair - What facial hair does CaptainKillshot have?

Bit of fuzz on his face

Eye Color - What is CaptainKillshot’s eye color?


Race - What is CaptainKillshot’s race?


Skin Tone


Body Type

Tall and lanky

Weight - How much does CaptainKillshot weigh?


Height - How tall is CaptainKillshot?


Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does CaptainKillshot have?

Scar on his shoulder blade from a knife wound

Hair Color - What color is CaptainKillshot’s hair?

Chocolate brown

Hair Style - How does CaptainKillshot style their hair?

Short back and sides

fingerprint Nature
Prejudices - What prejudices does CaptainKillshot have?

Dosnt trust Sector 1 at all and isnt too keen on Carter

Personality type - What personality type is CaptainKillshot?

Controlled cannon. He does mad, crazy things but its always a calculated risk. Incredibly brave and will do anything to get the job done

Hobbies - What hobbies does CaptainKillshot have?

Hunting, fishing, beer brewing

Talents - What talents does CaptainKillshot have?

Horse breaker, bull rider, fence builder

Flaws - What flaws does CaptainKillshot have?

Thinks with whats in his pants and not whats under his hat

Motivations - What motivates CaptainKillshot most?

His dick and his stomach

Mannerisms - What mannerisms does CaptainKillshot have?

Leans against things, moves fluidly but can strike like lightning

groups Social
Favorite color - What is CaptainKillshot’s favorite color?


Religion - What religion does CaptainKillshot practice?


Politics - What politics does CaptainKillshot have?

Killjoy ideals

Occupation - What is CaptainKillshot’s occupation?

Jack of all Trades

Favorite food - What is CaptainKillshot’s favorite food?

Roast meat and vegetables

Favorite possession - What is CaptainKillshot’s favorite possession?

His horse Tana

Favorite weapon - What is CaptainKillshot’s favorite weapon?

His shotgun

Favorite animal - What is CaptainKillshot’s favorite animal?


date_range History
Education - What is CaptainKillshot’s level of education?

Can sort of read and barely write. Did some schooling in Onslow and then Frontier but was usually goofing off

Birthday - When is CaptainKillshot’s birthday?


Background - What is CaptainKillshot’s background?

Born in Frontier, second child to KillshotDelirium and CrimsonCrow who passed away when he was twelve. Afterwards they moved to Frontier where KillshotDelirium very quickly remarried which caused problems in the family. As a result he spends a lot of time at his best friends house

device_hub Family
shopping_basket Inventory
history Changelog
edit Notes

This character was created by Ruby Stiff on

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