info Overview
Name - What is ButterflyBullets’s full name?


Gender - What is ButterflyBullets’s gender?

Female (Pansexual)

Age - How old is ButterflyBullets?


Role - What is ButterflyBullets’s role in your story?

Friend of HighwayPhantom

face Looks
Facial Hair - What facial hair does ButterflyBullets have?


Eye Color - What is ButterflyBullets’s eye color?

Smoky blue

Race - What is ButterflyBullets’s race?


Skin Tone

Pale and freckly

Body Type

Skinny but toned

Weight - How much does ButterflyBullets weigh?


Height - How tall is ButterflyBullets?


Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does ButterflyBullets have?

Freckles on her face

Hair Color - What color is ButterflyBullets’s hair?

Soft brown

Hair Style - How does ButterflyBullets style their hair?

Thick curls that she dosnt bother to do much with other than tie it back occasionally

fingerprint Nature
Prejudices - What prejudices does ButterflyBullets have?

None really

Personality type - What personality type is ButterflyBullets?

Loose cannon. Says what she thinks without regard for others feelings. Acts before she thinks

Hobbies - What hobbies does ButterflyBullets have?

Drinking, reading, writing short stories, drawing comics

Talents - What talents does ButterflyBullets have?

Crack shot with a gun, knows a lot about weaponry, can brew her own moonshine and built her own still

Flaws - What flaws does ButterflyBullets have?

Motivated by her ego so she takes unnecessary risks just for the praise

Motivations - What motivates ButterflyBullets most?

Anything to fuel her ego and make her sound great

Mannerisms - What mannerisms does ButterflyBullets have?

Very loose, easy hand movements, tends to slouch and lean on things

groups Social
Favorite color - What is ButterflyBullets’s favorite color?


Religion - What religion does ButterflyBullets practice?

None but believes in Mother Earth

Politics - What politics does ButterflyBullets have?

None, changes sides at whim

Occupation - What is ButterflyBullets’s occupation?

None really, sells her moonshine

Favorite food - What is ButterflyBullets’s favorite food?

Anything salty

Favorite possession - What is ButterflyBullets’s favorite possession?

Her 1971 Chevrolet Impala Convertible

Favorite weapon - What is ButterflyBullets’s favorite weapon?

Her six shooter

Favorite animal - What is ButterflyBullets’s favorite animal?


date_range History
Education - What is ButterflyBullets’s level of education?

Did Primary and Secondary school in Sector 2 with average grades (not really book smart)

Birthday - When is ButterflyBullets’s birthday?


Background - What is ButterflyBullets’s background?

Born in Sector 2 to a single mother, her father shot through when he found her mother was pregnant. Her mother married Spider an ex-Killjoy working in Sector 2 when she was 2 and her half siblings came soon after. ButterflyBullets and Spider never got on and when she was 18 he tried to marry her off. ButterflyBullets tried to run away but Spider tracker her down in his car where she stole his firearm and car and went looking for the mysterious HighwayPhantom

device_hub Family
shopping_basket Inventory
history Changelog
edit Notes

This character was created by Ruby Stiff on

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