info Overview
Name - What is Carter’s full name?


Gender - What is Carter’s gender?


Age - How old is Carter?


Role - What is Carter’s role in your story?

Main Male Protagonist

face Looks
Facial Hair - What facial hair does Carter have?

5'oclock shadow but keeps reasonably clean shaven

Eye Color - What is Carter’s eye color?


Race - What is Carter’s race?


Skin Tone


Body Type

Lean and lanky

Weight - How much does Carter weigh?


Height - How tall is Carter?


Hair Color - What color is Carter’s hair?

Black with a few grey hairs and starting to bald in the middle

Hair Style - How does Carter style their hair?

Tintin flick, short back n sides

fingerprint Nature
Prejudices - What prejudices does Carter have?

Hates Sector 1 but also deep down dosnt trust most Killjoys

Personality type - What personality type is Carter?

Initially quiet but can talk the leg off an iron pot if he really wants to. Very warm and genuine. Very clear sense of justice and definitely no grey areas with him. Quick brain so he has a very quick mouth

Hobbies - What hobbies does Carter have?

Any kinds of ball games, running

Talents - What talents does Carter have?

Brilliant mathematically, very good at designing and making things, fabricating and welding

Flaws - What flaws does Carter have?

Takes too much on himself, thinks he's the answer to every problem

Motivations - What motivates Carter most?


Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Carter have?

Talks with very clear hand gestures and his interest in a topic can be gauged by how much he's using his hands

groups Social
Favorite color - What is Carter’s favorite color?


Religion - What religion does Carter practice?


Politics - What politics does Carter have?

Currently dosnt agree with any of the politics but eventually switches to the Democratic Sector 2 until he realises that President Clark is no better than any of the other leaders

Occupation - What is Carter’s occupation?

At the Power Station he worked in Maintenance but in the Wastelands he designs and builds the flying machines and bridges

Favorite weapon - What is Carter’s favorite weapon?

Isnt really a fighter but is a pretty handy shot with a handgun

Favorite animal - What is Carter’s favorite animal?


date_range History
Education - What is Carter’s level of education?

High School Education then whatever he learnt at the Power Station

Birthday - When is Carter’s birthday?


Background - What is Carter’s background?

Born in the Wastelands he was taken from his family before his first birthday and placed in an orphanage in Bat City. From there he went to school and did quite well which landed him the job at the Power Station in Black Mountain. There he lived until his escape to the Wastelands

device_hub Family
shopping_basket Inventory
history Changelog
edit Notes
Character chevron_right Friends link linked Carter

This character was created by Ruby Stiff on

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