info Overview
Name - What is Smoke on the Water’s full name?

Smoke on the Water

Role - What is Smoke on the Water’s role in your story?

Brains of the operation.




Born and raised in Waterdeep.

Gender - What is Smoke on the Water’s gender?


Age - How old is Smoke on the Water?

Mid to late 20s

face Looks
Linked Races

Weight - How much does Smoke on the Water weigh?

160-180 lbs maybe?

Height - How tall is Smoke on the Water?

6'0" at full extension


Lean and lithe

Hair Color - What color is Smoke on the Water’s hair?

Gray and white

Hair Style - How does Smoke on the Water style their hair?

Extremely fluffy

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Smoke on the Water have?

Entire face. He is a cat

Eye Color - What is Smoke on the Water’s eye color?


Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Smoke on the Water have?

  • Is a cat

Clothing Style

Likes to dress nicely, but doesn't really know how. His wardrobe is more function than form, and he's not given to excesses of frippery or embellishment.

Like most tabaxi, he doesn't usually wear shoes. However, as he's been traversing the sewers more often, he's recently acquired a pair of tall boots. (This directly followed an incident where he jumped into an underground room and found himself up to his ankles in literal shit.)

fingerprint Nature

Chaotic Good

Prejudices - What prejudices does Smoke on the Water have?

  • Harper fanboy. He gives them automatic benefit of the doubt, and he's reluctant to question any Harper's methods or motives. He even restrains himself from prying too far into their secrets, though he desperately wants to make friends with them.

  • Somewhat wary of drow, duergar, and other residents of the Underdark, as he's grown up with the common stereotype of them as shady characters. He's aware of this bias, though, and tries not to let it affect his judgment.

Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Smoke on the Water have?

  • Purrs when he's happy.

groups Social
Occupation - What is Smoke on the Water’s occupation?

Adventurer, aspiring Harper

Job - What job does Smoke on the Water have?

Currently contracted to the City Watch under Cpn. Staget.


He recently landed the killing blow on the devil that had slaughtered several dozen City Watchmen in the City of the Dead, which has earned him some acclaim among the Watch.

Favorite food - What is Smoke on the Water’s favorite food?

Fish cakes like Momma used to make.

date_range History
Background - What is Smoke on the Water’s background?

  • Born and raised in Waterdeep

  • Kind of a hooligan in his youth

  • Scared straight when the law came down on him

  • Skipped town a few years ago to avoid falling back in with his old gang

  • Hung out in Baldur's Gate for a while, which is where he discovered the Harpers

  • Returned to Waterdeep a couple of months ago (at the urging of someone he met in Baldur's Gate), but his contact in Waterdeep went missing

edit Notes
Item chevron_right Current Owners link linked Smoke on the Water

Character chevron_right Friends link linked Smoke on the Water

Character chevron_right Notes link mentioned Smoke on the Water

Character chevron_right Enemies link linked Smoke on the Water

Scene chevron_right Characters in scene link linked Smoke on the Water

Item chevron_right Notes link mentioned Smoke on the Water

Group chevron_right Members link linked Smoke on the Water

Scene chevron_right What caused this? link mentioned Smoke on the Water

Item chevron_right Past Owners link linked Smoke on the Water

Item chevron_right Makers link linked Smoke on the Water

Building chevron_right Description link mentioned Smoke on the Water

Building chevron_right Owner link mentioned Smoke on the Water

Character chevron_right Siblings link linked Smoke on the Water

Character chevron_right Children link linked Smoke on the Water

Lore chevron_right Notes link mentioned Smoke on the Water

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This character was created by Tafkae on

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