info Overview
Name - What is Trollskull Manor's name?

Trollskull Manor

Description - How would you describe Trollskull Manor?

A historic property in the North Ward. Formerly an alehouse of some renown, it's since fallen into disuse. Rumor has it the place is haunted, but so far there's no solid proof to suggest that.

Type of building - What kind of building is Trollskull Manor?

Alehouse / Private residence

recent_actors Occupants
Owner - Who owns Trollskull Manor?

Owned jointly by Smoke on the Water, Esmerelda Amethyst, Nef Artemel, and Thernek Clockmort.

Previously owned by Volothamp Geddarm, who transferred it to the party as payment for rescuing Floon Blagmaar.

It's also home to the enigmatic Lif ("Birdpipes").

format_paint Design
Floor count - How many floors are there in Trollskull Manor?

4 + cellar

extension Purpose
location_on Location
date_range History
store_mall_directory Neighborhood
Neighborhood name - What is the name of the neighborhood Trollskull Manor is in?

North Ward

Crime rate - What's the crime rate near Trollskull Manor?

Pretty low, I think

pool Amenities
Security - What kind of security system does Trollskull Manor have?

None - doesn't even have locks on the doors.

Comings and goings are being monitored by the City Watch and Vincent Trench. According to the latter, there may be another group keeping an eye on the place as well...

attach_money Financial
Monthly payments - What kind of monthly payments (mortgage, rent, upkeep, etc) do the owners of Trollskull Manor have to pay?

Taxes and upkeep mostly? They're also gonna have to get the place fixed up and furnished, if they want to reopen it.

edit Notes
Group chevron_right Headquarters link linked Trollskull Manor

Building chevron_right Nearby buildings link linked Trollskull Manor

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