info Overview
Name - What is Corellon's Crown's name?

Corellon's Crown

Description - How would you describe Corellon's Crown?

Greenhouse and apothecary in Trollskull Alley.

Type of building - What kind of building is Corellon's Crown?


recent_actors Occupants
Owner - Who owns Corellon's Crown?

Fala, wood elf.

Tenants - Who lives or works in Corellon's Crown?

just Fala

format_paint Design

The whole front facade is glass, through which rows and rows of flowers and plants can be seen, making it as much a greenhouse as a shop. The shop's signage bears a crown logo.


Inside, the shop is warm and a little humid, smelling pleasantly of earth and flowers. Most of the plants on display are available for sale.

extension Purpose
Purpose - Why does Corellon's Crown exist? What is it for?

Greenhouse and apothecary's shop.

location_on Location
Address - What is Corellon's Crown's address?

Trollskull Alley, T4, half a block from the Manor.

date_range History
store_mall_directory Neighborhood
Neighborhood name - What is the name of the neighborhood Corellon's Crown is in?

North Ward

pool Amenities
attach_money Financial
edit Notes
Character chevron_right Role link mentioned Corellon's Crown

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