info Overview
Name - What is The Steam and Steel's name?

The Steam and Steel

Description - How would you describe The Steam and Steel?

Blacksmith's shop in Trollskull Alley.

Type of building - What kind of building is The Steam and Steel?

Retail / Craftsman

recent_actors Occupants
Owner - Who owns The Steam and Steel?

Embrik (fire genasi) and Avi (???), husbands

format_paint Design

The shop can be easily found by following the sound of metal on metal, and the steam and smoke pouring out of the windows. The front windows have some items on display.


Unusually for a blacksmith, the forge is located inside the building, which is why there's so much smoke and steam in there.

It's fairly small inside, and between the smoke, the noise, the merchandise, and the customers, the interior can feel rather claustrophobic. Items for sale are set out on display with their prices labeled.

extension Purpose
location_on Location
date_range History
store_mall_directory Neighborhood
pool Amenities
attach_money Financial
edit Notes
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