- What is Invitation to Lunch at Trollskull Manor (19 Mpn 1492)’s full name?
Invitation to Lunch at Trollskull Manor (19 Mpn 1492)
Item Type
- What type of item is Invitation to Lunch at Trollskull Manor (19 Mpn 1492)?
- Describe Invitation to Lunch at Trollskull Manor (19 Mpn 1492).
It's occurred to me that we've yet to show you the new place! If you're free, you ought to drop by Trollskull Manor for lunch in a couple of days. Let us say, the 21st of Marpenoth at noon? We're just beginning renovations, so I hope you will forgive the mess. Eager to see you again, my friend.
Smoke(The note also includes a subtle Harper symbol that indicates the meeting will involve Faction Business.)