forum Soo... Bakudeku anyone? 0x0 (Closed Pm if interested!)(P-G 13, cussing and possibly violence!)
Started by @Yet_another_Dekulover_is_gayofc

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“ take a nap, I got first shift “ dabi said, staying close to the blue haired boy.
Around ten minutes before midnight, kirishima woke, once again as he did every night. he went out to the top of the den and let out a series of calls and click like sounds ( he sounds a lot like toothless)

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“ I’m always right” he mumbled “ let’s go.” Dabi said simply. Hiking up the cave the male kept the collar in his hand, ready to use as soon as he got near that dragon.
Kirishima hadn’t noticed the two men at the bottom of the cave, he was to focused on hearing another call. Even if it was far away, he just wanted to know he wasn’t alone.

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Kirishima fought for all he had but the boy was too strong. He ended up giving in when the collar was placed around his neck and he whimpered. Fear ran through the red head as if he was being soaked in water.
Dabi had finaly gotten the collar on the male. “ let’s go before his emotions wake his mate. Being this close to him any emotion no matter how strong could wake that blonde. I’d rather not be caught in his cross fire.”

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Kirishima made sure to give them one hell of a fight. “ you’ll regret this” he mumbled.
Dabi had already shocked him multiple times at this point.

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“…” kirishima was confused on what me meant
Dabi smiled “ your little twerp is going to make us rich”
( sorry for being late I don’t get one till about three or four, but i have tests today )

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“! H.. how.” Kirishima growled, anger flooding him “ let me go!” He yelled fighting once more.

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Dabi nodded, activating the collar “ we can’t keep doing this, it might kill him”
Kirishima felt the collar shock him, letting out the same pain filled yell and dropping to his knees.

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Kirishima only hoped his mate was up by now. When the got to the old building the red head was thrown into a room with what looked like another young man. About the same age.
Dabi sighed “ let’s get him into that cell with the other dragon. “ he said once they got there


Shigaraki rolled his eyes some. "Sure, whatever." He then pulled Kirishima into the cell, connecting a shackle to the collar around his neck. "And don't even think of trying to escape. Your scales are worth almost as much as you." He snarled, before leaving, locking the cell on his way out.

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Kirishima sighed, just when he thought he’d found a way out of this cruel system for a dragon he was tossed in another.
The man on the other side of the room seemed to shift “ hello?” The red head said cautiously


(Oki! :3)

The man looked over, he was a blonde with bright blue eyes, though they looked dulled over. His hair was a mess, and he was very dirty, and he cowered away from the other dragon. He didn't say anything, looking away again.

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“ fine don’t talk. “ he said, the sting of the collar cutting into the mark on his neck had finally gotten to a point where the boy couldn’t take it. So he adjusted the collar and tried to get comfy, he’d be here a while.