forum Soo... Bakudeku anyone? 0x0 (Closed Pm if interested!)(P-G 13, cussing and possibly violence!)
Started by @Yet_another_Dekulover_is_gayofc

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Bakugo didn’t really care if Kirishima was a half breed, he still seemed as tough as a normal dragon. He began eating as well, staying quiet as he did. After he finished, though, he spoke. “Thank you. For the food.”

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“ it’s the least I could do.” He said after finishing his. “ it would be rude if I got myself something and not you.” He stated, kiri shifted, becoming the dragon once more, and curled up on the floor. He used his wings to cover his muzzle and head while he slept.

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The red scales beast shifted a bit, the ground was becoming colder this time of year and anytime now the rain would become snow.


Bakugo moved to the bed in the cave, laying on it. He saw the dragon on the floor and felt a bit bad, biting his lip lightly. "Hey, um," He started, clearing his throat. "As long as you don't touch me, you're welcome to sleep on the bed. I think you've earned that."

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Kirishima lifted his head “oh, okay” he said with a slight smile. The boy shifted back and lay’d on the empty side of the bed, heat radiating off of him. It was natural for dragons to start putting out heat in the late fall early winter.
Dabi had gotten back to his base “ I didn’t get him alone, but at least now I know his supposed weakness. He won’t let that boy fight alone, they may be related or something. “ ( I’ll also try and be on as much as possible but they hide my phone this go around so it will be hard, especially with notebook still being blocked on the crombooks)



Bakugo felt the heat from where he was, and a part of him wanted to go to it, but he knew that would be weird, so he stayed in place. He rolled onto his other side, back facing Kirishima. "G'night." He mumbled, starting to drift off.

Shigaraki was waiting there, and scowled when he heard this. "Then next time, we'll be ready. That dragon won't make it another week, I can promise that." He stated, scratching at his neck.

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Kirishima smiled softly “ night.” He said. The boy fell asleep almost instantly.
Dabi smiled “ then let’s ambush them, they won’t know what hit them.”

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( I’ll probably be on while doing dishes or research for homework.) Dabi paced the room” we could get the boy by tonight, but my question is, how in the hell did that boy get so friendly with a dragon?”


Shigaraki hummed a little. “I’m not sure. Perhaps there’s more to it.” He thought out loud, still digging at his neck.

Bakugou fell asleep as well, instinctively moving closer to the other male’s warmth as he slept.

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“ what else could there be?” Dabi asked
Kirishimda woke during the night, as usual he had problems sleeping. He noticed the blonde boy had gotten close to him “?!” The red haired boys face turned bright red. He didn’t expect this from someone who seemed so antisocial, but he started to calm, noticing how peaceful bakugo looked.


Shigaraki thought on it a moment more. "Perhaps the dragon has feelings for the boy. We could use that to our advantage…"
Bakugou was sleeping soundly, having had his arm on top of Kirishima as he basically snuggled him. He was drooling a little bit, some of his hair smooshed against his face.

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Kirishima stayed laying still, but was smiling softly “ not so scary from this point of view..” he mumbled to himself. The red haired boy nuzzled his head next to the others falling back asleep.
“ sounds good, can’t stand that mushy shit anyway. So when do we attack?” He asked almost happily

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Dabi thought for a moment “ I’ll take the dragon you take the kid.” He said, then he grabbed at the red haired boy. Waking him in the process.
Kirishima woke drowsily. Confused and dazed it took him a minute to process what was going on. “ hey! Let me go!” He said as loud as he could

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“ leave him alone!” Kiri said protectively. Just as he tried to morph, something was put around his neck and a searing pain shot through his neck and down his body. The red haired boy let out an inhuman scream, the pain clear in his voice, before his body went limp.
Dabi had noticed the quick signs of the boy getting ready to morph, he put a collar, fitted and enchanted to control a dragons morph, around the struggling kids neck. Smiling at his reaction.


Bakugou snarled, thrashing harder in Shigaraki's grip. Then, he did something the two hadn't planned on. His hands crackled with huge explosions, sending the blue-haired man flying. He hit a nearby wall in the cave, and the blonde grabbed Kirishima from Dabi, sending him flying as well as he held the boy close.

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Kirishima tried to move, but his body hurt the same pain going through his body, so he stayed in the others arms.
Dabi felt the cold stone his his back, his line of vision going black. The hell had happened he thought.