forum Soo... Bakudeku anyone? 0x0 (Closed Pm if interested!)(P-G 13, cussing and possibly violence!)
Started by @Yet_another_Dekulover_is_gayofc

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( okay, so I have been watching these comics where Izuku gets into a quirk accident and becomes like a rabbit or dog because of the quirk…. but I honestly don’t know.)

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( honestly, I was sure you had something. But sure, if you want, it is your rp after all)

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Izuku yawned again, closing his eyes. The day was tiresome and he probably needed the sleep. The smaller moved to lay his head in the others lap.

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Izuku fell asleep, but it wasn’t peaceful, the same dream, the fight, the smell of singed hair and clothing. The heat from the explosion. Suddenly the boy sat up, tears filled his eyes. “ …” he mumbled something to himself.

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Izuku took breaths, he looked to the other. “..” he got up and walked around the house. The other would kill him if he left. Noticing one of the twins fusing he went in to see. Kami was awake, so Izuku went over to see what was wrong. The boy was still trying to get his tears to stop.

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Izuku sighed “ sorry kami.. I didn’t mean to make you upset..” the smaller put his forehead on the infants. Pulling back after a minute. “ you look so much like your father.

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Izuku laughed softly, his sweet smile appearing once more. “ are you hungry?” He asked, though he had already grabbed on of the premade bottles.

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Izuku laughed softly “ okay! Okay! Here you go!” He said playfully, the green haired boy sat down in the living room with the child.


Kami took the bottle when it was offered to him, grunting and grabbing at it with his hands occasionally. Bakugo did start to wake up at this, chuckling as he saw this. "Careful, Kami can get aggressive. He'll try to take it from you. And he spits up more than Izumi, so watch for that when you burp him."

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“ okay..” Izuku took the advice but suddenly realized who it came from.”!” He looked over at the blonde “ you should be asleep.”

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“No! You need to sleep. You where so tired.” He said, it was at this time he was glad for the other being tired because he didn’t seem to notice the obvious signed that the green haired boy had been crying.

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“… “ Izuku looked away. “ yeah..” he mumbled. “ kami helped me calm down..”

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“ I.. I knew you where tired and I didn’t want to … to make a fuss so I just w.. went to check on the kids” Izuku stifled small sobs and tried to fight the stinging in his eyes. He knew his feeling rubbed off on the kids, and he didn’t was kami upset.

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“ I.. I’m sorry. I’m being a crybaby again..” Izuku said, he tried to nuzzle the other. He couldn’t really hug him with kami in his hands.