forum Soo... Bakudeku anyone? 0x0 (Closed Pm if interested!)(P-G 13, cussing and possibly violence!)
Started by @Yet_another_Dekulover_is_gayofc

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“ good!” He said softly, he was slightly shaking, the overwhelming crowd seemed to be bothering him. “ kachan seems happy still” Izuku continued.( I GOT ME PHONE BAK)

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The smaller had been interrupted by a few girls “ can we have your autograph deku! “ they asked and Izuku smiled politely, signing the books. Though the one thing he hadn’t counted on was the press catching that on tape.


Bakugo tensed when he saw this, huffing lightly. He reminded himself that they were just friends, but still felt a song of jealousy at seeing them with his fiancé.

Aizawa hummed a bit in response, waiting until the girls left to speak again. “That’s good to hear. And, the twins?”

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“ their great. Kami’s eyes are quite interesting. “ he said softly. Izuku looked distracted, looking around the place, like he was waiting for something.

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“ hopping to not find someone.” Izuku said. Out of pure habit, his hand went back to the spot he got shot with the dart.( sorry for wait I’m playing sao while rping.)

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“ o.. okay..” Izuku said nervously. “ I can’t let him hit me with one of those darts. “ he mumbled afterwards

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“ yeah..” the smaller agreed. It was on his mind all the time about the other getting hurt, and there being nothing he could do

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Then.. Izuku spotted him. He made a scared sound “… no..” the green harded boys eyes widened, his pupils dialating out of fear. Quickly he went behind his mentor, hiding his face and any body part that was exposed to a dart.


Aizawa saw him too, his eyes narrowing. He grabbed his scarf in one hand, ready to defend Izuku if need be. He kept a close eye on Aven, his eyes only darting away for a second as he tried to search for other crew members.

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Izuku looked around as well, he knew what the three looked like.
Aven looked around for the green haired boys head, the dart gun hidden away.

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Izuku nodded, pulling up his hooded mask and Securing the second half, “ okay..”
Aven saw the movement in the crowd. Seeing the boys teacher he shot, the wind taking the dart only inches from Aizawa’s shoulder.


Aizawa pulled Izuku away from where the dart went, his eyes looking over as it narrowly missed him. He then gripped his scarf more tightly, glaring at the man. His quirk wouldn't help against darts, but he could at least keep Izuku from them. He pressed a button on a sort of earphone thing, speaking to someone on the other end. "Zash, go to the hospital and keep an eye on Bakugo. I've got a situation here." He said simply, before pressing the button again.

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“ sir! We need to get out of here,” Izuku said, a hint of fear in his voice. “ he could hit a civilian!”
Aven smiled as he watched the man. He was guarding something, and he felt like he knew what it was. The blonde shot closer to the mans side. “ I going to hit you if you arnt careful.” He mumbled to no one.

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Aven fired again, seeing they where moving. This time he hit the man right in the chest. “ got you..”
Izuku tried his best to stay behind the man.


Aizawa cursed softly as he felt himself get hit with the dart, quickly brushing it off of himself and continuing to move. Still, he felt himself growing weaker by the moment, and it showed in his movements, which started to slow. "Dammit…"

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“!” Izuku quickly acted, pushing himself up and under his teachers arm. “ you were hit, but it wears off after a couple minutes. “
Aven watched as the man began to fall, but the flash of green surprised him. “ there you are!” He said happily.