forum Soo... Bakudeku anyone? 0x0 (Closed Pm if interested!)(P-G 13, cussing and possibly violence!)
Started by @Yet_another_Dekulover_is_gayofc

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aven wasn't happy. not only had his target got away but he was missing a team member. " he had better hope that the boy gets to him before i do. " he said angrily.
izuku would fuss in his sleep, whining every now an then. it seemed like he was reliving memories. bad ones at that.

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thankfully it did. underneath the tape you could barely see the band change, shifting to orange. then izuku woke, like he usually did. the boy was used to sitting in the orange and green range, so his body would wake him at orange. he opened his eyes, going strait to the man petting his head. " can stop now.." he said tiredly. ( omg dadzawa!!!)

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aven texted sullivan " if your with that boy, make sure you firgure out his quirk!' he send in an angry text.

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' yes you are, just listen if you have to but do it!' he texted back.
"no.. its okay.. it helped." he said, the smaller looked to the blonde, still sleeping. izuku sighed longly " if… if i had just shut my phone off. he'd be fine.." he mumbled to himself.


Aizawa sighed a little, shaking his head. “It’s not your fault. You were ambushed. It’s his fault for being an idiot and getting up when he knew he was supposed to be in bed.”

Sullivan texted back. ‘No! I quit!’

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' then you had better hope that boy choses to protect you.' aven texted back. he looked to the man with the link. " make him hurt again!" he ordered.
izuku flinched. "ow…" he whinned again, holding his head.

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izuku sighed. " thanks." he said letting his hand fall. "theres a man on the other end of the link. i think he may have caused a black line last night. god, it hurt so bad.." he said talking freely to the black haired man.
( we really need to come up with a name..) the man cursed as his link was blocked. " its been kinked for now i cant do anything!"

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(XD) " its fine, i can deal with the head aches. now that your here, if i do black line i trust you.." he paused and looked to the man " dont wear yourself out." he continued. it was a couple minutes, and izuku sang softly to himself. ( hard to love, lee brice, and yes he changed the lyrics to fit to bakugo

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the smaller sang to himself to help reassure himself. he still believed it was his fault.

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izuku got up, after his mentor had broke the staring contact, and left the room. he walked untill he went outside. leaning agenst the outside wall, it was almost his birthday. he wondered what he was doing last year around this time.

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izuku got the text, smiling lightly. he walked back to the room, taking off the black tape, his band was still flashing orange. the smaller entered the room, staying quiet though.

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" im fine kachan.." he said softly. " i just got hit with a dart. you on the other hand.. you need to lay back down. that was stupid of you, do you know how bad you scared me?!" he scolded. he didnt mean to but he had really scared the green haired boy.

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" but you shouldn't have, had you waited you'd of seen that i got up. i heard you yell.. and … and " izuku rubbed tears from his eyes. he couldn't hold his feelings anymore.

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izuku went to the other, hugging him softly. his breathing shuttered as tears fell. " i.. i was so scared. an..and they wouldn't let me in.."


Bakugo hugged Izuku tightly, shushing him and petting his hair. “I’m sorry… I was just so worried for you… it was like when you saved me from that huge slime villain, I remember you saying your body moved before your mind could process it.”

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"yeah…" he said sniffily. the smaller wished he'd just stayed at the hospital. "just dont get hurt again."