forum Soo... Bakudeku anyone? 0x0 (Closed Pm if interested!)(P-G 13, cussing and possibly violence!)
Started by @Yet_another_Dekulover_is_gayofc

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"okay.." izuku agreed. the last thing he needed to do was wake them. the green haired boy pulled his bracelet off, ignoring the look from aizawa. he knew the other would wake up to the light. he always did. going into the room he looked to the infants, unable to look at katsuki. this was his fault, if he had just shut off his phone. though someone caught his eye. sullivan.

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" your here?" he asked sullivan, he had a numbed tone in his voice.

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" its okay. stay as long as you need. " he said. " her name…. we named her izumi" he spoke.

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" he already said no." izuku said glanceing at the other. izuku sat down, feeling the full force of the dart. "i.. i need to sit." he said, the boy held his head.

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" yeah… im fine." izuku said, thought he didnt really know if he was, without his band around his wrist it was hard to tell which energy level he was at.

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" i cant.. kachan will wake from the light. he always does." izuku looked to aizawa. his eyes where bright green again. the man was in his head.

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izuku flinched "y.. yes sir, mr. aizawa." the boy walked out of the room, leaving sullivan to the depressed he left the smaller put his band on. it was still flashing red.

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izuku came back in, having put a piece of black tape over it for time being. " im on red, but i should be fine." he said to his teacher. the green haired boy knew the man across the room wouldn't get what he was talking about, and he'd keep it that way. last thing he needed to do was give away how his quirk worked.

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" i know." he said. " im staying here tonight. since i cant go back to work even if i tried. they wont let me work if im on red.."

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" okay sir." izuku agreed. he sat back down but soon curled up in the chair, trying his best to avoid sleep. he'd wait till the other woke,

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"?. oh.. okay." izuku mumbled. the smaller closed his eyes, out in seconds.( dude, sullivan just watching " is this his father?" )