forum Soo... Bakudeku anyone? 0x0 (Closed Pm if interested!)(P-G 13, cussing and possibly violence!)
Started by @Yet_another_Dekulover_is_gayofc

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( sullivan and aizawa : dang, he really did tame a dog.) izuku smiled. he let go of the other, smiling slightly. once he walked away the boy put the black tape back on the band. the light was becoming an annoyance.

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( hey just got done eating supper, i'll be elusive for about a good 20 min only answering every now and then, but i will be fully active later on so just watch for me and i'll rp with you)

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izuku managed to stop the flow of tears. he looked to the two infants lying in their cribs and then to sullivan, who had not been noticed yet, was still in the room. though after he'd explain what he did for the green haired boy , he hopped his lover would understand why he let him in here.


Bakugo had not seen Sullivan in the room just yet, but glanced over and flinched horribly when he saw the man, clutching onto Izuku. "W-what the hell is he doing in here?!"

Sullivan backed away a little, not wanting to get his face blown off.


(Oh shoot I just noticed it was closed. Sure, I just joined, and all my roleplay requests have been declined so that would be great.)

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izuku sighed softly. " if it wasn't for him leaving when he did to come 'save you' i'd probably be dead… or worse." the boy noticed the others grip tighted. ' i wont let him hurt you.' he thought.


(It's oki!)

Bakugo kept a tight hold on Izuku, keeping his eyes on Sullivan. "G-get him away from the babies!" He was still freaking out, and starting to hyperventilate.

Aizawa went to Sullivan, leading him out of the room for the time being so Izuku could calm down the blonde.

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Izuku acted quickly, turning off the bed alarm and getting in bed with the other “ hey.. hey it’s okay!” He said while running his fingers threw the others hair.

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“ okay.. “ Izuku said softly, he nuzzled his face into the others hair, wrapping his arms around bakugo’s shoulders.

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“ it’s okay babe. I’m fine now.. he said he was going to leave when you woke anyway. Plus mr. Aizawa is here” Izuku said.

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The smaller moved one of his hands to rest on the others side.” It’s going to be okay.. promise.”