forum Soo... Bakudeku anyone? 0x0 (Closed Pm if interested!)(P-G 13, cussing and possibly violence!)
Started by @Yet_another_Dekulover_is_gayofc

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The boys father seemed to scoff, “ I’m assuming that’s the dad of your kids.” He said looking bakugo up and down.
Izuku snuggled up to the other “ thanks” he mumbled to him.


"No problem." Bakugo said with a small smile, then looked over at Hisashi. "If you've just come to cause problems, I suggest you leave. I'm not fun to deal with when I'm mad." He said with a warning look on his face.

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“ especially when he was having mood swings.” Izuku mumbled.
Hisashi smiled “ I’ll come and visit later.” He said as he walked out.

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“ yeah, it’s just a little questionable why he shows up now..” Izuku said, he layed his head on the others chest.

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Izuku looked to his mother and back at his kid.” I know one thing, I’ll never leave him like he left me.”

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Izuku smiled, glad that they were once again happy. “ I love you guys”

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Later that night, the children laying asleep, and izukus mom had gone home. The smaller woke up sometime during the night with another head ache. He sat up and held his head, closing his eyes tight from the pain.
The man who still had a link to Izuku was cause if his pain, making sure the link is still stable. “ we’re still links boss” he said to aven


Sullivan was with Onarie still, thinking about his child. What had they named her..?

Bakugo was awake, watching the two infants as they slept in their cribs. He noticed Izuku wake up, tilting his head some. "You good babe?"

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“ n.. no.” He said strained, the headache had only gotten worse. “ I’ve got a headache as bad as the one when I blacklined.”

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“ green..” he mumbled. The smaller laid on his back, hoping it would ease the tension
The man smiled, aven had said to stop but he’d keep the pain going a little longer.


Sullivan felt a bit bad. "I- I think that's enough, you don't want him suffering too much when you can't watch…" He said softly.

Bakugo hummed a bit, reaching over and cuddling Izuku to himself slowly, kissing the side of his head.

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Izuku whimpered. Finaly it had started to go down. The smaller put hand in the others, feeling the ring being pushed backwards. It must have slid up in his sleep.
The man scoffed “ don’t need to, I can hear anything he says.”

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“ o.. okay.. you said something about taking my name, are you sure you want to?” He asked. The thought of who take who’s was still up in the air.
The man mumbled something and walked out. Wether Aven said anything or not, he’d cause Izuku pain.

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Izuku shrugged “ honestly, I kinda wanted to have the same last name from the start, “ the smaller snuggled up to the other.
The man had started the pain wave again but only for a short time.

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Izuku smiled softly “ sounds nice.” He said. The smaller flinched. It wasn’t as bad as the first time but it was enough to cause a memory relapse. “ I th.. think I know wh… what going on.” He said threw gritted teeth.