forum Soo... Bakudeku anyone? 0x0 (Closed Pm if interested!)(P-G 13, cussing and possibly violence!)
Started by @Yet_another_Dekulover_is_gayofc

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Izuku got the boxes loaded up. On the way there he texted his lover ‘hey babe. You up yet?’.

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izuku texted back " no all, i stayed up packing and even i tried i probably wouldn't have. i got used to my human heater. though i have found a solution. i got the hospital to allow me to stay overnight to night. but i do have to work tomorrow night.' he sent the text and put his phone down, and help guided his mom to the house.


'Wish I could've slept. I missed feeling your fluffy hair while I tried to fall asleep. Plus nurses were in and out of the room. Plus, I don't think I would've slept well either way.'
Finally they got to the house, and Inko stopped the car.

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' well im sure i'll try and help any way i can.'. izuku texted back and looked up. " i'll unload and try and get most of the things packed away. " he told his mom. the smaller worked most the day, every now and then texting his lover. sending pictures of what each room looked like. the last picture he send was of the nursery. the two cradles on each side, one wall was blue and the other a pink. over the male's cradle was little 'pop' and 'pow' signs that hung to the caracel. the other had little butterflies. the bedding and the theme of the craddles all matched.

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izuku smiled. the other was finaly getting used to izumi. finaly sundown had came and the green haired bo made his way to the hospital. a change of clothes in a bag. " hey love," he said softly after entering the room.

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" tiring.." he said. his voice did sound quiet tired. " theres something we need to talk about. earlier today… around 4 or 5 am, sullivan showed up at moms. he asked to see izumi every now and then. i didn't answer him, all i told him was i'd talk to you about it. " he said.

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" i dont think we should. " he said quickly. izuku went over to the bed, turning off the weight sensory and got in bed with the other, making sure he didn't hurt him. " can i hold one?" he asked softly.

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" … " izuku noticed the same thing. " sorry. i figured you'd want to know." he said. the smaller looked down at the little bundle of joy in his hands and smiled. they looked more alike than just the bright green eyes, izumi had her fathers fluffy hair and his little freckles. the green haired boy started to hum a soft lullaby, saying the words as he went along. it seemed like izuku had heard it over a thousand times, reciting the lyrics perfectly to his newborn daughter.


Bakugo heard Izuku singing to their newborn, feeling guilty that he couldn't seem to feel the same way about Izumi as he did for Kami. He didn't see the fluffy hair or green eyes- he saw Sullivan. And he hated that he couldn't see his daughter properly because of what Sullivan had done.

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izuku had finished the lullaby, his daughter seemed to be sound asleep. " i know its hard to look past it. but izumi has a lot of you in her too, " he mumbled, looking to the other. " she may have sullivan's hair, and some of the looks but… she has alot of you in her. " he continued. the smaller yawned, leaning back agents the bed, and using his leg to help support the child, he rested. but still refused to fall asleep.


Bakugo sighed heavily. "You think I don't know that? I wish I could see past her other looks to love that!" He felt tears forming in his eyes. "I look at her, and I see Sullivan there, and what he did to me! I just got over it, and now I'm back to the beginning!"

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"!" izuku seemed to feel like that was his fault. " kachan… im… im sorry. i didn't. i wasn't thinking." he looked away. the smaller blinked away tears. he was the reason, the reason that the other was reminded of who she came from. instinctively he pulled izumi closer to him.

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izuku nodded. he snuggled up to the other. feeling his heat once again. he found it became harder to keep his eyes open. despite his best efforts the smaller fell asleep. now both izumi and izuku where sleeping. the band on the others left wrist glowed, it was a darker red than usual. he really did pull an all-nighter packing and was running real close to the end of his energy supply. during her sleep the small child had wrapped her hands around the boys just barley fiting over the finger. ( okay, im calling it quits, its 11:37pm seven where i live and i should be nack online somewhere around 6 am tomorrow. if you want, log on early and ill rp with you all morning.night)

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aven paced the room " so…it does look like him. is he claiming it?" he asked nervously. the dirty blonde looked like he was seriously complicating going to kicking the broccoli's butt.


Bakugo yawned softly, leaning against Izuku and closing his eyes. He finally fell asleep, him holding Kami and Izuku holding Izumi.

Just then, Sullivan walked into the base, seeing Aven pacing. "I talked to Izuku, sir."

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" what'd he say!" aven asked. onarie seemed to be just as worried as aven.
for what felt like a couple minutes, izuku had slept, but he woke to the sound of the shutturing sound of a camra. he opened his eyes a little, seeing his mother and smiled softly.


Inko smiled some. "I'm sorry, I know you don't like me taking pictures, but…" She looks away some. "It was too cute!"

Sullivan flinched some. "Well, he said he'd talk to Bakugo about it, and I doubt he's going to be willing to let me around the child."